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What label to put on issue ?

rnveach edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

After issue is created

by somebody from internet, maintainers should review it and place approved label is all is clear and all maintainers agreed on expected behavior.

some other labels can be set to easy grouping and categorization of issues, like CI, indentation, antlr, antlr-javadoc

After fix is merged

Issue has to be marked by one of following labels that drive placing issue in groups for release notes:

  • breaking compatibility
  • new feature
  • bug
  • miscellaneous

breaking compatibility - should be placed if fix affect functionality in such a way that the impact can be felt by the end users. This could be as major as breaking program interoperability that a program that integrates with Checkstyle has to be recompiled. This could also be a break in the configuration file where something that was configured one way in old versions need to be configured in a new way for newer versions. It can also be functionality that is being removed and there is no way to bring it back as it is now abandoned by Checkstyle.

new feature - new module, new property or new command line functionality introduced. Applications/Services/Users need to be aware about this to render/configure it properly if they want to.

bug - defect is fixed but it doesn't fit any of the labels mentioned above.

miscellaneous - all other issues, if any release notes labels are not applicable, this label should be placed on issue. This label means this change is nothing of importance for end users and they can feel safe ignoring it completely. If you do not feel it can be safely ignored, you may want to reexamine the other labels.

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