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Charmkit Gem Version

elegantly elegant charm authoring


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'charmkit'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install charmkit


Define all install, configure, upgrade tasks within a normal Rakefile. The hooks will then need to just call those tasks:

In hooks/install:


apt-get update
apt-get install -qyf ruby bundler --no-install-recommends

bundle install --local --quiet --without development

bundle exec charmkit dokuwiki install

In other hooks call the relevant rake tasks, for example, in hooks/config-changed:


bundle exec charmkit dokuwiki config-changed

Same for hooks/upgrade-charm


bundle exec charmkit dokuwiki install

Writing Charmkit style hooks

TBD: Needs updating as rakefile's are being migrated to Thor

All Charmkit hooks will reside in a normal Rakefile.


require 'charmkit'
require 'charmkit/plugins/nginx'
require 'charmkit/plugins/php'

namespace :dokuwiki do

  desc "Install Dokuwiki"
  task :install => ["nginx:install", "php:install"] do
    app_path = `config-get app_path`
    resource_path = `resource-get stable-release`
    hook_path = ENV['JUJU_CHARM_DIR']

    mkdir_p app_path unless Dir.exists? app_path

    `tar xf #{resource_path} -C #{app_path} --strip-components=1`
    rm "#{app_path}/conf/install.php" if File.exists? "#{app_path}/conf/install.php"
    cp "#{hook_path}/templates/acl.auth.php", "#{app_path}/conf/acl.auth.php"
    cp "#{hook_path}/templates/local.php", "#{app_path}/conf/local.php"
    cp "#{hook_path}/templates/plugins.local.php", "#{app_path}/conf/plugin.local.php"

    version = "#{app_path}/VERSION"
    `application-version-set '#{version}'`
    `status-set active Dokuwiki Install finished.`

  desc "Configure Dokuwiki"
  task :config_changed do
    app_path = `config-get app_path`
    hook_path = ENV['JUJU_CHARM_DIR']

    admin_user = `config-get #{admin_user}`
    admin_password = `config-get admin_password`
    admin_name = `config-get admin_name`
    admin_email = `config-get admin_email`
    template "#{hook_path}/templates/users.auth.php",
             admin_user: admin_user,
             admin_password: admin_password,
             admin_name: admin_name,
             admin_email: admin_email

    template "#{hook_path}/templates/vhost.conf",
             public_address: unit('public-address'),
             app_path: app_path

    chown_R 'www-data', 'www-data', app_path

    # TODO: service :restart, "nginx"
    # TODO: service :restart, "php7.0-fpm"
    `systemctl restart php7.0-fpm`
    `systemctl restart nginx`
    `status-set active Ready`

The core of Charmkit contains a few helpers such as template rendering but otherwise kept relatively small.

Charmkit does have a sense of "plugins" which are really rake tasks that reside in charmkit/plugin/{name} as seen in the example syntax above.

Using local plugins

In addition to the plugins(read: rake tasks) you can add your own to the charm itself. To add a task either create a directory inside your charm (eg. tasks) and name the file something relvant. For example, to create a plugin that will install vim you would do the following inside your charm directory:

Create a file tasks/vim.rb with the below syntax:

namespace :vim do
  desc "install vim"
  task :install do
   system("apt-get install -qyf vim")

And in your Rakefile include it in using the require_relative syntax:

require 'charmkit'
require_relative 'tasks/vim'

Now you can install vim with the rake command or utilize the tasks inside your Rakefile:

bundle exec rake vim:install

Packaging the Charm

You'll want to make sure that any Ruby gems used are packaged with your charm so that you aren't forcing users to try to download those dependencies during deployment.

Easiest way to package your deps is:

$ bundle package

This will place your deps inside vendor/cache which will be uploaded when executing a charm push .


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.