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This is a short course for the PyFlowline model.

PyFlowline: a mesh independent river network generator for hydrologic models.

For full details of the model, please refer to our papers and the PyFlowline documentation.


You need an internet connection to install the package using Python Pip or Conda (recommended).

You can use Visual Studio Code to run the Python examples.

You can use QGIS to visualize some of the model results.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Download this tutorial.

    git clone
    cd pyflowline_tutorial
  • Create a conda environment named pyflowline_tutorial, and install the pyflowline package.

    # Recommended: use the provided environment.yml file:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate pyflowline_tutorial
    # By hand:
    conda create --name pyflowline_tutorial -c conda-forge python pyflowline
    conda activate pyflowline_tutorial
    conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab cmake make numpy gdal netCDF4 mscorefonts matplotlib cartopy geopandas libgdal-arrow-parquet python-dotenv pyearth
  • Optional: copy the .env.example file to .env and update it with paths specific to your local environment.

    cp .env.example .env
  • Run the examples within the example folder.

    • Edit the template configuration json files to match with your data set paths.
  • View and visualize model output files.

    • View normal json files using any text editor such as VS Code.
    • Visualize geojson files using QGIS.


  1. Why import GDAL failed?

    Consider using the conda-forge channel.

  2. proj related issue OSGeo/gdal#1546

    Make sure you correctly set up the PROJ_LIB

    Because the GDAL library is used by this project and the proj library is often not configured correctly automatically. On Linux or Mac, you can set it up using the .bash_profile such as:


    export PROJ_LIB=/people/user/.conda/envs/pyflowline/share/proj


    export PROJ_LIB=/opt/miniconda3/envs/pyflowline/share/proj

  3. What if my model doesn't produce the correct or expected answer?

    Answer: There are several hidden assumptions within the workflow. For example, if you provide the DEM and river network for two different regions, the program won't be able to tell you that. A visual inspection of your data is important.

    Optionally, you can turn on the iFlag_debug option in the configuration file to output the intermediate files.


  • Liao, Chang, Zhou, T., Xu, D., Cooper, M. G., Engwirda, D., Li, H.-Y., Leung, L. R. (2023). Topological relationship-based flow direction modeling: Mesh-independent river networks representation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15, e2022MS003089.

  • Liao et al., (2023). pyflowline: a mesh-independent river network generator for hydrologic models. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(91), 5446,

  • Liao. C. (2022). Pyflowline: a mesh independent river network generator for hydrologic models. Zenodo.


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