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TypeScript client for Chalk.


$ yarn add @chalk-ai/client

Generate Types

Starting in your Chalk project directory, run:

$ chalk codegen typescript --out=generated_types.ts


Modern JavaScript ES6

import { ChalkClient } from "@chalk-ai/client";

// Import your generated types (recommended)
import { FeaturesType } from "local/generated_types";

// Alternatively, define features you want to pull using the client
// as an interface with the feature type and feature name.
interface FeaturesType {
  "": string;
  "user.socure_score": number;

const client = new ChalkClient<FeaturesType>();

const result = await client.query({
  inputs: {
    "": "1",
  outputs: ["user.socure_score"],

// The property `.data` has auto-complete based on the
// list provided in `output` above. So if you try to pull
// a feature that wasn't requested, you will see an error
// in type checking.


var ChalkClient = require("@chalk-ai/client").ChalkClient;

interface FeaturesType {
  "": string;
  "user.socure_score": number;

var client = new ChalkClient<FeaturesType>();

    inputs: {
      "": "1",
    outputs: ["user.socure_score"],
  .then((result) => {

Constructor options

new ChalkClient({
   * Your Chalk Client ID. This value will be read from the _CHALK_CLIENT_ID environment variable if not set explicitly.
   * If not specified and unset by your environment, an error will be thrown on client creation
  clientId?: string;

   * Your Chalk Client Secret. This value will be read from the _CHALK_CLIENT_ID environment variable if not set explicitly.
   * If not specified and unset by your environment, an error will be thrown on client creation
  clientSecret?: string;

   * The URL of your chalk API server. Defaults to
  apiServer?: string;

   * The environment that your client will run against. This value will be read from the _CHALK_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable if not set explicitly.
   * If not specified and unset by your environment, an error will be thrown on client creation
  activeEnvironment?: string;

   * A custom fetch client that will replace the fetch polyfill used by default.
   * If not provided, the client will use the default fetch polyfill (native fetch with node-fetch as a fallback).
  fetch?: CustomFetchClient;

   * A custom fetch headers object that will replace the fetch Headers polyfill used by default.
   * If not provided, the client will use the default fetch Headers polyfill (native fetch with node-fetch as a fallback).
  fetchHeaders?: typeof Headers;

Supported environment variables

Variable Kind Description
process.env._CHALK_CLIENT_ID Required Your Chalk client ID. You must specify this environment variable or pass an explicit clientId value when constructing your ChalkClient
process.env._CHALK_CLIENT_SECRET Required Your Chalk client secret. You must specify this environment variable or pass an explicit clientSecret value when constructing your ChalkClient
process.env._CHALK_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT Optional The environment that your client should connect to. If not specified, the client will query your project's default environment
process.env._CHALK_API_SERVER Optional The API server that the client will communicate with. This defaults to which should be sufficient for most consumers

You can find relevant variables to use with your Chalk Client by running chalk config with the Chalk command line tool.

$ chalk config

Path:          ~~~
Name:          Organization Token
Client Id:     <client-id>
Client Secret: <client-secret>
Environment:   <active-environment>
API Server:
Valid Until:   2023-11-10T06:11:17.516000