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Querying full and archive EVM nodes with JavaScript

This project allows the retrieval of historical data from the blockchain programmatically, switching between a full and archive node provider when necessary.

See the full tutorial on the Chainstack blog:

Project details

This repository holds the JavaScript version of a tool to query common state functions. Some essential functions include getting an address balance and storage at a given position, a contract bytecode, or even the whole transactions included on a given block.

This tool queries the blockchain using the web3 and inquirer libraries for JavaScript.

Quick start

Clone this repository

git clone

Install dependencies

npm ci

Use npm ci to launch a clean install of the dependencies, this will install the same version as in the package.json file.

edit the .env.sample file

Add your RPC node URLs and rename the file to .env.


Run the program

npm run start


  • Node.js: ^16.17.0— install Node
  • A full and archive node RPC endpoints.

Deploy a full and archive node with Chainstack:

  1. Sign up with Chainstack.
  2. Deploy a node.
  3. View node access and credentials.


  • dotenv: ^16.0.3
  • inquirer: ^8.2.4
  • web3.js: ^1.7.4


Clone this repository:

git clone

Install the dependencies in the project's directory:

cd query-full-and-archive-nodes-javascript
npm ci

Use npm ci to launch a clean install of the dependencies, this will install the same version as in the package.json file.