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OFAC Compliance

A simple package to help you stay compliant with OFAC sanctioned addresses (e.g. front-ends, other applicable products).


This package simplifies the process of staying up-to-date with the latest OFAC sanctioned addresses by providing them in a JSON format via an API (recommended) or direct import (discouraged).

Update Cadence


Please note that there is currently no SLA for how quickly the repository will be updated to reflect the most recent OFAC sanctioned addresses. Updates will be done on a best-effort basis.


Option 1: Make an API call (recommended)

You can make an API call to retrieve the latest OFAC sanctions list from

For example:

export async function getSanctionedAddresses(): Promise<string[]> {
    return await fetch("")
        .then((response) => {
            return response.json();
        .catch((err) => {


No changes to your code will be necessary when the list is updated as this API will always return the latest version.

Option 2: Import the SANCTIONED_ADDRESSES list (discouraged)

If you really want to, you can explicitly import the SANCTIONED_ADDRESSES list exported in the @celo/compliance package directly into your code.


Although, please note that this is not recommended as it will require you to update your dependency every time the list is updated.

import { SANCTIONED_ADDRESSES } from "@celo/compliance";

export function getSanctionedAddresses(): string[] {