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Releases: cdk/cdk

CDK 2.9

21 Aug 19:50
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  • Improved abbreviation handling
  • More arrow types
  • Multi-step Reaction SMILES
  • Reaction Set and Multi-step depiction
  • More correct PubChemFingerprinter
  • Universal (InChI) SMILES for large molecules
  • Dependency updates and stability improvements, huge kudos to @uli-f for finding some longstanding issues

Improved abbreviation handling

#991. The Abbreviation handling has been tweaked with more and cleaner options:

Abbreviations  abbreviations = new Abbreviations();
// abbreviations.setContractToSingleLabel(true); // old (still supported)
abbreviations.with(Abbreviations.Option.ALLOW_SINGLETON); // new
// abbreviations.setContractOnHetero(true); // old (still supported)
abbreviations.with(Abbreviations.Option.AUTO_CONTRACT_HETERO); // new

The full options are described here: Abbreviations.Option.

More arrow types

Now includes NoGo/Equilibrium/RetroSynthetic - #927. See IReaction.Direction. Examples:

#1 (2)

#1 (3)

Multi-step Reaction SMILES


An new entry point to the SMILES parser has been added to parse into a "multi-step" reaction where by the product of one step is the reactant the the next. The basic idea is to allow more than two '>'. Parts at even positions are reactants/products and odd positions are agents/catalysts/solvents.

Basic idea:

SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance());
IReactionSet rset = sp.parseReactionSetSmiles("[Pb]>>[Ag]>>[Au] lead-to-silver-to-gold");

Real example (see next bullet for depiction):

ClC1=NC=2N(C(=C1)N(CC3=CC=CC=C3)CC4=CC=CC=C4)N=CC2C(OCC)=O>C1(=CC(=CC(=N1)C)N)N2C[C@H](CCC2)O.O1CCOCC1.CC1(C2=C(C(=CC=C2)P(C3=CC=CC=C3)C4=CC=CC=C4)OC5=C(C=CC=C15)P(C6=CC=CC=C6)C7=CC=CC=C7)C.C=1C=CC(=CC1)\C=C\C(=O)\C=C\C2=CC=CC=C2.C=1C=CC(=CC1)\C=C\C(=O)\C=C\C2=CC=CC=C2.C=1C=CC(=CC1)\C=C\C(=O)\C=C\C2=CC=CC=C2.[Pd].[Pd].[Cs]OC(=O)O[Cs]>C1(=CC(=CC(=N1)C)NC2=NC=3N(C(=C2)N(CC4=CC=CC=C4)CC5=CC=CC=C5)N=CC3C(OCC)=O)N6C[C@H](CCC6)O>CO.C1CCOC1.O.O[Li]>C1(=CC(=CC(=N1)C)NC2=NC=3N(C(=C2)N(CC4=CC=CC=C4)CC5=CC=CC=C5)N=CC3C(O)=O)N6C[C@H](CCC6)O>CN(C)C(=[N+](C)C)ON1C2=C(C=CC=N2)N=N1.F[P-](F)(F)(F)(F)F.[NH4+].[Cl-].CN(C)C=O.CCN(C(C)C)C(C)C>C1(=CC(=CC(=N1)C)NC2=NC=3N(C(=C2)N(CC4=CC=CC=C4)CC5=CC=CC=C5)N=CC3C(N)=O)N6C[C@H](CCC6)O>>C1(=CC(=CC(=N1)C)NC2=NC=3N(C(=C2)N)N=CC3C(N)=O)N4C[C@H](CCC4)O |f:,16.17,18.19|  US20190241576A1

Reaction Set and Multi-step depiction


The DepictionGenerator has been extended to depict reaction sets. If the product of the previous reaction is the same as the reactant in the next (object identity) it is omitted for a terser depiction:

US20190241576A1 (3)

More correct PubChemFingerprinter

Explicit hydrogens are not longer required and there is an option to use a more correct ring set definition matching closer the original CACTVS substructure keys. This is now on by default:

IChemObject builder = SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance();
new PubchemFingerprinter(builder); // new - default is to use "ESSSR-like" ring set
new PubchemFingerprinter(builder, false); // old - for backwards compatible with FP generated with older CDK versions

Universal (InChI) SMILES for large molecules


The InChI now supports > 999 atoms, we have the option to generate a SMILES using the InChI canonical labelling, it makes sense to use the larger molecules flag and support more.

New Contributors

All Contributors

  75 John Mayfield
  17 Egon Willighagen
   6 Uli Fechner
   4 Mark J. Williamson
   3 Mark Williamson
   1 Parit Bansal
   1 Matthias Mailänder

Full Changelog: cdk-2.8...cdk-2.9

CDK 2.8

14 Sep 14:44
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Key Changes

  • JDK Versions:
    • JDK 8 (minimum)
    • JDK 11 (minimum if not using cdk-iordf)
    • JDK 17 (recommended)
  • The project is now built with Java 11+ but compiled to target Java 8. If you have any issues please let us know.
  • The master branch has been renamed to main.
  • logj4-core is no longer a dependency of cdk-log4j, you should include these separately if you intend to use Log4j
  • A new cdk-slf4j module allows connecting logging to SLF4J
  • MayGen structure generator, provides the ability to generate millions and millions of structures that have a given formulae.
Maygen maygen = new Maygen(SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance());
maygen.setConsumer(new SmiOutputConsumer(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)));;

Maygen is pure Java, if you need more speed consider Surge by the same author.

  • New Smallest Ring utilities for single atom/bond
if (Cycles.smallRingSize(atom, 7) != 0) {
 // atom is in a ring 7 or smaller
if (Cycles.smallRingSize(bond, 7) != 0) {
  // bond is in a ring 7 or smaller
  • RAW/Count Path Fingerprints
IFingerprinter fpr = new Fingerprinter();
Map<String, Integer> feats = fpr.getRawFingerprint(mol);
  • Where possible "Re-inflate" convex rings on cyclcophanes:
    Before:Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 09 38 14 now: Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 09 38 10

  • New substructure/copy utility that allows a whole or part of a structure to be copied. Atoms are bonds are selected by providing a predicate:

IAtomContainer dst = builder.newAtomContainer();
AtomContainerManipulator.copy(dst, src, a -> a.isInRing(), b -> b.isInRing()); //  select the cyclic part of a molecule

// select atoms in a set, the bonds will also be selected
Set<IAtom> subset = ...
AtomContainerManipulator.copy(dst, src, a -> subset.contains(a)); 
  • New exclusive atoms filter that provides non-overlapping substructure matches, note the input order can determine which matches are selected.
for (int[] mapping : Pattern.findSubstructure(query).matchAll(mol).exclusiveAtoms()) {
   // ...
  • Stereo perception corner-cases. Reject:
    Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 09 45 22,
    Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 09 46 22, ok:

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 09 46 24


  • Merged all PRs and resolved all open issues related to bugs
  • InChINumbersTools: Use JNA InChI options by @johnmay in #799
  • Avoid integer overflow in MF by @johnmay in #808, #810
  • Ensure correct stereo consistency (Fix #812) by @johnmay in #813
  • SMILES: Fix an issue with stereochemistry being lost on generic atoms - @johnmay in #814, #866
  • Maygen structure generator by @MehmetAzizYirik in #811
  • Weighted path descriptor performance improvements by @johnmay in #817
  • Depiction: Fix missing bond annotations by @johnmay in #819
  • Utility functions for determining the smallest ring size of an atom/b… by @johnmay in #820
  • Better consistentcy in Stereochemistry and Sgroups when removing atoms by @johnmay in #821
  • Unify MOLfile V2000/V3000 options by @johnmay in #824, #852
  • Improved stereochemistry perception by @johnmay in #826, #839
  • Replace Atom symbol (String) comparison with atomic number (integer) by @johnmay in #827
  • Improved/fix bugs with XLogP, PiContact, and BCUT, HuLuIndex descriptors by @johnmay in #833, #656, #822, #832
  • Additional Raw and count path fingerprints by @johnmay in #834
  • "Re-inflate" convex rings in macrocycles. The macrocycle layout can en… by @johnmay in #836
  • Fix a corner case in repeat crossing bonds when we have variable atta… by @johnmay in #835
  • Restore space as delimiter for string-based definition of InChI options by @marco-foscato in #846
  • Update to Apache Jena 4.2 (requires JDK 11) by @egonw in #748
  • Fix localisation of alpha channel floats in SVG by @egonw in #868
  • Check string bounds on PDB COMPND line. Fixes #870 by @johnmay in #871
  • Methods to manipulate atom types in ReactionManipulator by @uli-f in #883, #879
  • Added ChemObjectBuilder.newReaction() by @uli-f in #888
  • Utilities for selecting a substructure of a molecule. by @johnmay in #889
  • Improved CDK Log4J/SLF4J interactions by @johnmay in #878, #876
  • Additional SMARTS/matching utilities by @johnmay in #896, #900
  • Use Junit5 by @johnmay in #901
  • Fix issue with hose code nesting by @johnmay in #828


 278 John Mayfield
  13 Egon Willighagen
  11 Uli Fechner
   5 Mark Williamson
   3 Valentyn Kolesnikov
   2 MehmetAzizYirik
   2 Marco Foscato
   1 dependabot[bot]
   1 Tim Dudgeon
   1 Otto Brinkhaus
   1 Christoph Steinbeck
   1 Alex

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cdk-2.7.1...cdk-2.8

CDK 2.7.1

11 Jan 11:47
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This page documents the changes for CDK v2.7 and v2.7.1. The patch version was made after some minor issues with how the new InChI code was organised were discovered by downstream projects.


Switch from JNI to JNA InChI.

There are two main technologies for calling native code JNI (Java Native Interface) and JNA (Java Native Access). JNI requires writing a custom native wrapper which is then bound to Java code, JNA allows you to call the native methods of an existing SO/DYLIB directly. Essentially what this means is to expose the native InChI library in Java one needs to first write (and maintain) a native wrapper, with JNA we can just drop the InChI SO directly in. JNI InChI exposed InChI v1.03 and worked well for many years - unfortunately this project was no longer maintained and as newer more stable versions of InChI were released (now v1.06) an alternative was needed. A few years ago Daniel Lowe started JNA InChI and recently made it feature complete and released v1.0.

ChemAxon have also independently used the JNA path to integrated newer InChI libraries into their tools: (slides). It is not clear if this was made available, it is not listed on GitHub/ChemAxon.

Build on Java 17

The Maven plugins were updated to allow building on Java 17

Verify declared dependencies

The maven modules were checked for unused declared dependencies and used undeclared dependencies (mvn dependency:analyze).

Organise and restructure test-jar and testdata

CDK was originally built with the ant build tool, under this scheme there was a jar for the main/ code and one the test/ code. Test modules could share an inherit dependencies. To replicate this in maven we install and deploy "test-jar" artefacts. The project test code was restructured to put all common test code in the "cdk-test" module.

All test data was stored in a cdk-testdata module, this data has now been relocated to the test/resources of each module where it is used. This meant some data was duplicated but means the ~18MB test-jar no longer needs to be uplodaded to maven central.

Remove Guava dependency

We have removed the use of Guava, the functionality could mostly be directly replaced with newer JDK idioms (Function/Predicate/Stream) which were not available in the past.

Use XorShift PRNG in ShortestPathFingerprinter (different fingerprint)

Commons Math3 was used in a single place to hash paths (Mersenne Twister) in the ShortestPathFingerprinter. Since this fingerprint method is not widely used and the hashes do not need to be cryptographically secure a simple random generate is now used instead. This allows us to remove the dependency on Commons Math3. This does mean the fingerprint bits have changed, note the CDK version description is accessible via the Fingerprinter.getVersionDescription() method.


 137 John Mayfield
   6 Egon Willighagen
   1 dependabot[bot]

Full Change Log

Read more

CDK 2.7

11 Jan 11:46
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Please use v2.7.1

CDK 2.6

14 Dec 08:59
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CDK 2.5

11 May 10:34
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CDK 2.3

09 Aug 13:35
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CDK 2.2

30 Oct 09:23
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Please see 2.2 Release Notes for full details.

CDK 2.1.1 (patch release)

28 Dec 20:27
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This patch release removes the SNAPSHOT dependency. Release Notes

CDK 2.1

15 Dec 13:25
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