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Jeff Johns edited this page Feb 4, 2014 · 2 revisions
Model Extends Table Path
Marks_Model Plain_Model labels /application/models/marks_model.php

Loading the model

$this->load->model('marks_model', 'marks');


Property Visibility Default Value Description
$sort Public created_on DESC The default sort direction for reads.


__construct - Public

Called automatically which in turn calls the parent constructor and sets the model $data_types properties.

create - Public

Used to create new records in the marks table.


Variable Type Default Required Description
$options array array() Yes An associative array that contains the column names and the values for the record to be created. Array keys are the column names for each value.
$options['title'] string N/A/td> Yes The title for the mark.
$options['url'] string N/A/td> Yes The full url for the mark.


$this->load->model('marks_model', 'marks');
$mark = $this->marks->create(array('title' => $title, 'url' => $url));

// If mark was created
if (isset($mark->mark_id)) {
    // Good to go

// Some sort of validation error
elseif (isset($mark['errors']) {
    // Validation errors were found

// Some sort of database write error, check logs
else {
    // will return false