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Tim Whitacre edited this page Feb 21, 2014 · 1 revision

Grunt Requirements - More Info

  1. Node
  2. Node Package Manager (NPM)
  3. Grunt & Grunt CLI

Since there is already a package.json and a Gruntfile.js to get started just:

  1. Change to the project's root directory
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run grunt to make sure it works.

We use a variety of Grunt Tasks which you can see in the package.json file and will automatically be installed win you run npm install.

One thing to note is anytime you are pushing to Github you should always run grunt before hand because it will make sure...

  1. The correct app version is applied
  2. The JS and CSS files are production ready

While you are in development you can use grunt dev or even just grunt watch which will only run what's absolutely needed in development like sass and JS file concat, which is much faster than the uglify task we use for production. Plus concat keeps the JS files pretty so it's easier to debug.

You can also utilize the /custom folder with Grunt as well. First you may want to read about how we handle customizations here. Basically you just need to create a grunt_tasks folder in the /custom directory and then create a JS file for any task you want to override.

For instance, if you wanted to change how the watch task worked, you would create a watch.js file that might look like something like this...

module.exports = {
    css: {
        files: ['assets/css/*.scss', 'custom/assets/css/*.scss'],
        tasks: ['sass:prod']

The above will watch both our assets/css file as well as any custom/assets/css files as well.

One thing to note, is this will completely override our watch task in the main Gruntfile.js so you'll probably want to make sure to start by copying what we are doing or else you could mess up the workflow.

Also, this doc will continue to improve as we finalize this new build.