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Help on module scheduler:

    scheduler - Utilities to schedule and manage periodic events.


    This module depends on dateutil, which is often not included in the base python
    packages installed in your system. Read here:
    for more details. Note that this library is extremely common. On Debian based
    systems (including Ubuntu) you can install it with:
      apt-get install python-dateutil

    class RecurringEvent(__builtin__.object)
     |  Creates a thread to periodically perform an action.
     |  You can use this object to periodically perform tasks within a python
     |  application. It does not require polling on file descriptor or having an
     |  event loop, each task is entirely independent.
     |  Relies on thread, it has been used within django application to easily manage
     |  periodic tasks. The main advantage over cron or system schedulers is that it
     |  is self contained in the application: you start it, you have your periodic
     |  tasks.  No need to fiddle with system files or to have extra installation
     |  steps.
     |  Note that this thread uses dateutil and rrules to compute exactly when the
     |  next event will need to run, and sleeps in between. It does not continuously
     |  poll like other implementations.
     |  Examples:
     |  Run CheckDatabase every monday at 2:20am
     |    RecurringEvent(
     |        "Update Database", OptimizeDatabase, RecurringEvent.WEEKLY,
     |        repetition={'byweekday': rrule.MO},
     |        time={'hour': 2, 'minutes': 20})
     |  Water plants every day at 08:00am:
     |    RecurringEvent("Water Plants", WaterPlants, RecurringEvent.DAILY,
     |                   time={'hour': 8, 'minutes': 00})
     |  Clean temporary files every minute at 15 seconds:
     |    RecurringEvent("Clean Temp files", self.CleanTempFiles,
     |                   RecurringEvent.MINUTELY, time={'seconds': 15})
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  Run(self)
     |      Sleeps and run events as requested.
     |  __init__(self, name, action, frequency, repetition={}, time={}, logger=None)
     |      Instantiates a RecurringEvent object.
     |      Args:
     |        name: string, name of the task, used for logging purposes only.
     |        action: lambda or generally function to invoke periodically.
     |        frequency: one of RecurringEvent.{YEARLY,MONTHLY,WEEKLY,DAILY,HOURLY,
     |          MINUTELY,SECONDLY}, to indicate when the event should repeat.
     |        repetition: dict, passed down as named arguments to the rrule
     |          constructor. This allows to set more esoteric repetitions.
     |          See examples, and
     |          Examples: RecurringEvent.MONTHLY, repetition={'bysetposition': -1}
     |          will run the event the last day of the month.
     |          RecurringEvent.YEARLY, repetition={'byeaster': 2} will run the event
     |          the second day after easter every year.
     |        time: dict, used to set a specific time to run the event at.
     |          Examples: RecurringEvent.DAILY, time={'hours': 8, 'minutes': 20}
     |          will run the event at 8:20 daily. RecurringEvent.MINUTELY,
     |          time={'seconds': 30} will run at every minute and 30 seconds.
     |          You can use repetition={...} to skip days or hours in cron style.
     |        logger: object implementing the logging interface, to log events.
     |          Generally you create the logger with logging.getLogger(...).
     |      Returns:
     |        Nothing. It will start running the event as requested, by spawning
     |        a separate thread.
     |      Notes:
     |        Times are always relative to your time zone. If you use this with
     |        django, don't forget to set the TIME_ZONE parameter in the settings
     |        file, otherwise you will get confused.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  DAILY = 3
     |  HOURLY = 4
     |  MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 600
     |  MINUTELY = 5
     |  MONTHLY = 1
     |  SECONDLY = 6
     |  WEEKLY = 2
     |  YEARLY = 0


Easily run periodic tasks cron-style within your application.







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