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Cava lab website

This is the code for the website.

How to add yourself

  1. Fork this repo and make a new branch.
  2. Add a square profile picture less than 200 KB to assets/images/ named something like last-name-first-name.png.
  3. Make a new file named in the _members folder with a header and bio following this example
  4. edit _data/authors.yml to add an entry for yourself, for example:
  name: "My Name, PhD"
  avatar: "assets/images/last-name-first-name.png"
  bio: "Postdoctoral Fellow"
    - label: "Email"
      icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope"
      url: ""
    - label: Website
      icon: &personal "fas fa-user"
      url: ""
    - label: Google Scholar
      icon: &scholar "fas fa-graduation-cap"
      url: ""
    - label: Github
      icon: &github "fab fa-fw fa-github"
      url: ""
    - label: Twitter
      icon: &twitter "fab fa-twitter"
      url: ""
    - label: LinkedIn
      icon: &linkedin "fab fa-linkedin" 
      url: ""

For the links, you just have to change the url field. You can also remove any you don't want.

  1. Commit your changes, push to your fork, and open a PR on this repo.