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With this library, you can pin the managed object or allocate the memory easily. And you never forget releasing them.


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Memory Lock

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With this library, you can pin the managed object or allocate the memory easily.
And you never forget releasing them.

What is this ?

This is a wrapper library for :

  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FreeHGlobal
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Free

They are used for allocating memories which is never collected or moved by GC (Garbage Collector).
People use these functions when they want to call native codes by P/Invoke because passing some parameters to C++ requires to prepare memories not moved.

Why wrap them ?

After allocating memories, we have to release them.
It is so bothered. Isn't it ?
That is why I implemented this library.
Using Memory Lock, you don't have to pay attention to memories whether they are released or not.

Watch the following code :

// using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// Allocate memories by "size"
var pointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size);

// Do something

// Release memories

// "pointer" refers to nothing but the parameter alives.
// If you use "pointer" here, it will cause "undefined behaviour".

This is an ordinary code using Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem.
I think it has some problems :

  • When you forget to write Free(), It is too difficult to realize the mistake.
  • You can access the pointer which is released easily.

With Memory Lock, you can write the following code :

// using CapraLib.MemoryLock;

// Allocate memories
using(var allocated = new MemoryAllocater(out var pointer, size))
    // Do something

// You can't access to the pointer here !
// And they are already released !

This library solves the problems clearly !
In C# 8, you can use this with "using declarations".


Allocate 100 bytes

using(var allocated = new MemoryAllocater(out var pointer, 100))
    // Do something with "pointer" !

The following table will help you.

Allocate memory by ... Size Unmanaged object
CoTaskMemAllocater ✔️
HGlobalAllocater ✔️
CoTaskMemAllocater<T> ✔️
HGlobalAllocater<T> ✔️
GCAllocater<T> ✔️

Unmanaged object includes :

  • sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, bool
  • User defined structs which has attribute, [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]

Using struct

If you have a struct :

// StructLayout should be LayoutKind.Sequential
// when it is used in Memory Lock
public struct Vector
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public float z;

And a native function :

// Assign values to vec
static extern void ChangeAll(IntPtr vec, float x, float y, float z);

On that time, you can write the following code :

// using CaprLib.MemoryLock;

var vec = new Vector();
vec.x = 10f;

using(var allocated = new MemoryAllocater<Vector>(out var pointer, vec))
    // Assign another values to the pointer
    ChangeAll(pointer, 15f, 19f, 23f);

    // Copy from unmanaged memory to managed.
    allocated.CopyTo(out vec);

Console.WriteLine($"vec.x = {vec.x}"); // vec.x = 15

Before releasing the memory, you can call void CopyTo(out T obj) to save changes to managed items.
This function is implemented in

  • MemoryAllocater<T>
  • CoTaskMemAllocater<T>
  • HGlobalAllocater<T>
  • GCAllocater<T>

Do so without CopyTo()

You can forget writing CopyTo().
If you want to save changes automatically, I recommend you to use MemoryLock.AsNative<T>(ref T, MemoryAllocationHandle).

This is a example for MemoryLock.AsNative<T> :

var result = new Vector();

MemoryLock.AsNative(ref result, (ptr) => 
    // Do something with pointer !

// "result" is now reflected the changes.

