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Version Numbering

Johnathan Andersen edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 1 revision

The wall-ink and wall-ink-server projects both use the same system for version numbering, but the wall-ink project has been using it for much longer. A version number looks something like this: 4.01b.

The first digit is the major version number. This represents compatibility between the wall-ink and wall-ink-server projects. Put simply, versions of these two projects should be compatible if this number is the same; this number should be incremented when backwards compatibility is broken.

The second and third digits are the minor version number. This should be incremented when small features are changed or added, such as the user interface being improved in some way. This should be reset to 00 any time the major version number is incremented.

The letter at the end represents bug fixes. This letter should be incremented any time a bug is fixed, and should be reset to a whenever the major or minor version numbers get incremented.