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Node Web-app Template

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The following repo allows us to quickly bootstrap Node projects, using this allows us to ensure consistency across our Node repositories. It can be a starting point for the creation of RESTful API ​or for the creation of web application with GOV.UK Design System best practice.

In the context of a web application, each page or user interface, defined by an endpoint, is divided into three components (MVC) and as a best practice the names for the model, view and controller have, when possible, the same start name of the endpoints (e.g. for the /info page we have the: info.controller.ts and info.html files. If models were present, we would have info.model.ts)

The Model

In the model we define the interface, the data structure used to represent the data for that particular page and an array used to map back and forth information between the data saved and the nunjucks html view data.

The View

We use Nunjucks and GDS style/components, we could use the prototype if an UX team is present in loco.

The Controller

Generally only POST and GET http methods are allowed, and therefore we will have mainly just the get and post controllers, and it is literally the last successful middleware of the chain that has the duty to respond to the user. In the get method we fetch possible data and pass it to the view/template to be visualized to the user and in the post method we save the user data everytime that a page is submitted

Files Structure

Directory Path Description
./.github Github folder, includes on how to make a pull request to the project and dependabot.yml configuration options for dependency updates.
./.husky Add pre check script, includes pre-commit and pre-push checks
./src Contains all TypeScript code
./src/app.ts Application entry point
./src/bin/www.ts Server configuration
./src/config/index.ts Contains all the application's configurations
./src/controller Business logic and handlers
./src/middleware Middleware functions (Authentication, validation ...)
./src/model OE Session and View Data Model
./src/routes Paths and routes controller (Only GET and POST enabled)
./src/service Interface to the API through SDK
./src/utils Facade for CO services (e.g. logging) and other application utils (navigation, application data ...)
./src/validation Sets of express validator middlewares for each page
./test Jest Test files (*.spec.ts, setup.ts, and *.mocks.ts)
./view Contains all the html nunjucks structure files
./docs Contains documentation files
Others files Other files related to modules dependency, CI/CD, *git, dockerization, lint, test/typescript configs …


We use ESlint as both a formatter and code quality assurance. Eslint can also be setup to format on save using a VScode extension:

  1. Install the ESlint VScode extenstion.
  2. Open your user settings (JSON) inside VScode and add the following:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true, 
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true }
  1. Reload VScode.

Running local development environment with Docker

Docker is used run the application in development mode, with tooling setup to detect changes in local src directory and reload the container's node server.

Follow the steps in Launching-the-web-app, and ensure that NODE_ENV=development is set in the .env file.

Launching the web-app


  1. Install NodeJS V20.8

  2. Install Docker

Building the Docker Image

  1. Create a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env:

Then run:

make docker-build

make docker-up

This will then download the necessary dependencies, build the Docker image, and start the application. You will be able to access it on localhost:3000.


  • Add API service module
  • Add Validation and Navigation MW
  • Add Authentication MW and Session handler logic
  • Update CDN origin
  • Publishes the SDK on npm package registry