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Bug 1849943: (WIP) Update Ubuntu LTS Quick Start (#125)
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emceeaich committed May 14, 2024
1 parent 9da2acd commit d2c6bee
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Showing 6 changed files with 161 additions and 486 deletions.
132 changes: 1 addition & 131 deletions docs/en/rst/installing/apache-windows.rst
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Expand Up @@ -3,134 +3,4 @@
Apache on Windows

Bugzilla supports all versions of Apache 2.2.x and 2.4.x.


Download the Apache HTTP Server as a :file:`.zip` archive either from the
`Apache Lounge website <>`_ or from the
`Apache Haus website <>`_.

Unzip the archive into :file:`C:\\Apache24`. If you move it elsewhere, then
you must edit several variables in :file:`httpd.conf`, including ``ServerRoot``
and ``DocumentRoot``.

You must now edit the Apache configuration file :file:`C:\\Apache24\\conf\\httpd.conf`
and do the following steps:

#. Uncomment ``LoadModule cgi_module modules/`` at the beginning of the
file to enable CGI support.
#. Uncomment ``AddHandler cgi-script .cgi`` to register :file:`.cgi` files
as CGI scripts. For this handler to work, you must create a key in the
Windows registry named ``HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command`` with
the default value pointing to the full path of :file:`perl.exe` with a ``-T``
parameter. For example :file:`C:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe -T` if you use ActivePerl,
or :file:`C:\\Strawberry\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe -T` if you use Strawberry Perl.
#. Add an Alias and a Directory for Bugzilla:

.. code-block:: apache
Alias "/bugzilla/" "C:/bugzilla/"
<Directory "C:/bugzilla">
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.html
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
.. warning:: The above block takes a simple approach to access control and is
correct for Apache 2.4. For Apache 2.2, replace ``Require all granted``
with ``Allow from all``. If you have other access control
requirements, you may need to make further modifications.

You now save your changes and start Apache as a service. From the Windows
command line (:file:`cmd.exe`):

:command:`C:\\Apache24\\bin>httpd.exe -k install`

That's it! Bugzilla is now accessible from http://localhost/bugzilla.

Apache Account Permissions

By default Apache installs itself to run as the SYSTEM account. For security
reasons it's better the reconfigure the service to run as an Apache user.
Create a new Windows user that is a member of **no** groups, and reconfigure
the Apache2 service to run as that account.

Whichever account you are running Apache as, SYSTEM or otherwise, needs write
and modify access to the following directories and all their subdirectories.
Depending on your version of Windows, this access may already be granted.

* :file:`C:\\Bugzilla\\data`
* :file:`C:\\Apache24\\logs`
* :file:`C:\\Windows\\Temp`

Note that :file:`C:\\Bugzilla\\data` is created the first time you run


Unless you want to keep statistics on how many hits your Bugzilla install is
getting, it's a good idea to disable logging by commenting out the
``CustomLog`` directive in the Apache config file.

If you don't disable logging, you should at least disable logging of "query
strings". When external systems interact with Bugzilla via webservices
(REST/XMLRPC/JSONRPC) they include the user's credentials as part of the URL
(in the query string). Therefore, to avoid storing passwords in clear text
on the server we recommend configuring Apache to not include the query string
in its log files.

#. Find the following line in the Apache config file, which defines the
logging format for ``vhost_combined``:

.. code-block:: apache
LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
#. Replace ``%r`` with ``%m %U``.

(If you have configured Apache differently, a different log line might apply.
Adjust these instructions accordingly.)

Using Apache with SSL

If you want to enable SSL with Apache, i.e. access Bugzilla from
https://localhost/bugzilla, you need to do some extra steps:

#. Edit :file:`C:\\Apache24\\conf\\httpd.conf` and uncomment these lines:

* ``LoadModule ssl_module modules/``
* ``LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/``
* ``Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf``

#. Create your :file:`.key` and :file:`.crt` files using :file:`openssl.exe`
provided with Apache:

:command:`C:\\Apache24\\bin>openssl.exe req -x509 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.crt`

:file:`openssl.exe` will ask you a few questions about your location and
your company name to populate fields of the certificate.

#. Once the key and the certificate for your server are generated, move them
into :file:`C:\\Apache24\\conf` so that their location matches the
``SSLCertificateFile`` and ``SSLCertificateKeyFile`` variables defined in
:file:`C:\\Apache24\\conf\\extra\\httpd-ssl.conf` (which you don't need to

.. note:: This process leads to a self-signed certificate which will generate
browser warnings on first visit. If your Bugzilla has a public DNS
name, you can get a cert from a CA which will not have this problem.

Restart Apache

Finally, restart Apache to pick up the changes, either from the Services
console or from the command line:

:command:`C:\\Apache24\\bin>httpd.exe -k restart`
.. note:: If deploying Bugzilla on Windows, using WSL is recommened.
140 changes: 4 additions & 136 deletions docs/en/rst/installing/apache.rst
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Expand Up @@ -5,141 +5,9 @@

You have two options for running Bugzilla under Apache - mod_cgi (the
default) and mod_perl. mod_perl is faster but takes more resources. You
should probably only consider mod_perl if your Bugzilla is going to be heavily
.. note::
Previous versions of Bugzilla ran using Apache's ModPerl or as CGI.

These instructions require editing the Apache configuration file, which is:
.. todo::
Instructions for using Apache as a reverse proxy.

* Fedora/Red Hat: :file:`/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`
* Debian/Ubuntu: :file:`/etc/apache2/apache2.conf`
* Mac OS X: :file:`/etc/apache2/httpd.conf`

Alternatively, on Debian or Ubuntu, you can instead put the below code into a
separate file in the directory :file:`/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/`.

In these instructions, when asked to restart Apache, the command is:

:command:`sudo apachectl start`

(or run it as root if your OS installation does not use sudo).

Securing Apache

When external systems interact with Bugzilla via webservices
(REST/XMLRPC/JSONRPC) they include the user's credentials as part of the URL
(in the "query string"). Therefore, to avoid storing passwords in clear text
on the server we recommend configuring Apache to not include the query string
in its log files.

#. Edit the Apache configuration file (see above).

#. Find the following line in the above mentioned file, which defines the
logging format for ``vhost_combined``:

.. code-block:: apache
LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
#. Replace ``%r`` with ``%m %U``.

#. Restart Apache.

.. _apache-mod_cgi:

Apache with mod_cgi

To configure your Apache web server to work with Bugzilla while using
mod_cgi, do the following:

#. Edit the Apache configuration file (see above).

#. Create a ``<Directory>`` directive that applies to the location
of your Bugzilla installation. In this example, Bugzilla has
been installed at :file:`/var/www/html/bugzilla`. On Mac OS X, use

.. code-block:: apache
<Directory /var/www/html/bugzilla>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.html
AllowOverride All
These instructions allow Apache to run .cgi files found within the Bugzilla
directory; instructs the server to look for a file called :file:`index.cgi`
or, if not found, :file:`index.html` if someone only types the directory name
into the browser; and allows Bugzilla's :file:`.htaccess` files to override
some global permissions.

On some Linux distributions you will need to enable the Apache CGI
module. On Debian/Ubuntu, this is done with:

:command:`sudo a2enmod cgi`

If you find that the webserver is returning the Perl code as text rather
than executing it, then this is the problem.

.. _apache-mod_perl:

Apache with mod_perl

Some configuration is required to make Bugzilla work with Apache
and mod_perl.

.. note:: It is not known whether anyone has even tried mod_perl on Mac OS X.

#. Edit the Apache configuration file (see above).

#. Add the following information, substituting where appropriate with your
own local paths.

.. code-block:: apache
PerlSwitches -w -T
PerlConfigRequire /var/www/html/bugzilla/
.. note:: This should be used instead of the <Directory> block
shown above. This should also be above any other ``mod_perl``
directives within the :file:`httpd.conf` and the directives must be
specified in the order above.

.. warning:: You should also ensure that you have disabled ``KeepAlive``
support in your Apache install when utilizing Bugzilla under mod_perl
or you may suffer a
`performance penalty <>`_.

On restarting Apache, Bugzilla should now be running within the
mod_perl environment.

Please bear the following points in mind when considering using Bugzilla
under mod_perl:

* mod_perl support in Bugzilla can take up a HUGE amount of RAM - easily
30MB per httpd child. The more RAM you can get, the better. mod_perl is
basically trading RAM for speed. At least 2GB total system RAM is
recommended for running Bugzilla under mod_perl.

* Under mod_perl, you have to restart Apache if you make any manual change to
any Bugzilla file. You can't just reload--you have to actually
*restart* the server (as in make sure it stops and starts
again). You *can* change :file:`localconfig` and the :file:`params` file
manually, if you want, because those are re-read every time you load a page.

* You must run in Apache's Prefork MPM (this is the default). The Worker MPM
may not work -- we haven't tested Bugzilla's mod_perl support under threads.
(And, in fact, we're fairly sure it *won't* work.)

* Bugzilla generally expects to be the only mod_perl application running on
your entire server. It may or may not work if there are other applications also
running under mod_perl. It does try its best to play nice with other mod_perl
applications, but it still may have conflicts.

* It is recommended that you have one Bugzilla instance running under mod_perl
on your server. Bugzilla has not been tested with more than one instance running.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions docs/en/rst/installing/caddy.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

.. _caddy:


The Caddy web server has built in support for reverse proxies.

It also automates the creation of Let's Encrypt certificates for
the hosts specified in the Caddyfile.

An example Caddyfile for Bugzilla would be:

.. code-block::
hostname {
.. note::
You may need to start the Bugzilla web app using ``MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY=1 ./ daemon`` when running behind Caddy.

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