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This repository contains Group 12's work for CMPE 352 - Spring 2024.

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CmpE 352 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2024 - Group 12

📚 Brief about the Course

CmpE 352 is a course designed to enhance abilities in collaborative software development and teamwork.

🚀 About Project

Playlog is a social game browsing app. You can semantically browse your favorite games, give ratings, make lists or follow your frineds and check their reviews. Currently you can access our deployment from here:

👥 Group Members

👩‍🏫 Teaching Staff

  • Instructor: Suzan Uskudarli
  • Assistants
    • Deniz Barak Aksoy
    • Kutay Altintas
    • Salih Furkan Akkurt

📷 The Team


📖 Wiki Page

You can address our Wiki page from here.

🛠️ Architecture and Local Deployment

We have directories named ./frontend, ./backend, and ./app/mobile/Playlog (which will later be changed to ./mobile), each containing the respective codebase for the frontend, backend, and mobile applications. Each codebase has its own readme file explaining setup, running the application, and making changes based on the codebase. We use docker-compose for building and deploying the application. Additionally, we have our API specification, with a Swagger UI instance available in our docker-compose setup at localhost:8000/swagger.

When working with Docker, the initial setup might take a while as it fetches and sets up the required components. This could take tens of minutes or more, depending on your internet speed and system capabilities. Don't worry if it seems to be taking a long time. Just be patient and let it finish. As long as the build moves forward smoothly without any errors, you're on the right track. It's usually just a waiting game until it's done.

  1. Clone the Repository:

    • Open your terminal or command prompt.
    • Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
    • Use the following command to clone the repository:
      git clone -b dev <repository_url>

    Replace <repository_url> with the URL of the repository you want to clone.

  2. Navigate to the Repository:

    • Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the cloned repository directory using the cd command:
      cd <repository_name>

    -cReplace <repository_name> with the name of the cloned repository.

    • In the repository create .env file with "nano .env" command.
    • Inside the .env write the following (You can set <text> parts arbitrarily):
    # MySQL settings
    • After saving and exiting (ctrl x followed by y) create the same file in backend folder.
    • Create .env file in frontend folder with following:
  3. Build and Run Docker Compose:

    • Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
    • Run the following command to build and start Docker Compose:
      docker-compose up --build

    This command will build the Docker images and start the containers defined in your docker-compose.yaml file.

  4. Access the Frontend and Backend:

    • Once Docker Compose has successfully started the containers, you can access the frontend at localhost:3000 and the backend at localhost:8000 in your web browser.

📦 Deployment

To deploy our application on DigitalOcean follow these instructions:

  1. Sign up to Digital Ocean and create a project.
  2. From left menu click on "Droplets" and click on "Create Droplets".
  3. Choose region, datacenter and a machine. Increase machine capabilities if you have errors. For image click on marketplace and select Docker.
  4. Write down a password and save it for later. Click on create droplet.
  5. Wait until droplet is created and copy IP address from Droplets page.
  6. Open up the terminal and connect to droplet by "ssh root@<ip_address>" command.
  7. Once connected to machine install docker-compose with "apt install docker-compose"
  8. Clone the repository by typing "git clone".
  9. Enter into repository by typing "cd bounswe2024group12/"
  10. In the repository create .env file with "nano .env" command.
  11. Inside the .env write the following (You can set <text> parts arbitrarily):
# MySQL settings

DEPLOYMENT_URL= (use your own deployment url)
  1. After saving and exiting (ctrl x followed by y) create the same file in backend folder.
  2. Create .env file in frontend folder with following:
REACT_APP_ENDPOINT= (again use your deployment url)
  1. To be safe run docker-compose down first then run "docker-compose up --build" command.
  2. Make sure frontend and backend were able to be successfully built (ignore the warnings). After that you can access the website by typing <ip_address>:3000 to your browser.