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MATLAB-Truthiness extends the if-statement in MATLAB®.

op self input output
and Falsy(x) (ignored) Falsy(x)
and Truthy(x) Falsy(y) Falsy(y)
and Truthy(x) Truthy(y) Truthy(y)
or Falsy(x) Falsy(y) Falsy(y)
or Falsy(x) Truthy(y) Truthy(y)
or Truthy(x) (ignored) Truthy(x)
xor Falsy(x) Falsy(y) False
xor Falsy(x) Truthy(y) True
xor Truthy(x) Falsy(y) True
xor Truthy(x) Truthy(y) False

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Usage Examples

This section describes several exaples for the usage of the add-on MATLAB-Truthiness.

Most of the functionarities of the truthy function can be confirmed by running each of the following examples as a MATLAB script like the following image.

How to run a usage example

The MATLAB's if-statement accepts a N-dimensional array that is evaluatable as either true or false. In contrast, the short-circuit evaluation in MATLAB such as && and || only accepts a scalar true or false.

arr1 = ones(3, 3);
arr2 = ones(5, 5);

if arr1
    if arr2
        disp("All the values of `arr1` and all the values of `arr2` is true");

%% An error happens

if arr1 && arr2
    % NOTE: Cannot reach.
    disp("All the values of `arr1` and all the values of `arr2` is true");

%% No error happens

if truthy(arr1) && truthy(arr2)
    % NOTE: Can reach.
    disp("All the values of `arr1` and all the values of `arr2` is true");

The class Truthiness supports the operation "and", "or" and "xor".

%% Operation `AND`
assert((truthy(true)  & true ) == true);
assert((truthy(true)  & false) == false);
assert((truthy(false) & true ) == false);
assert((truthy(false) & false) == false);

%% Operation `OR`
assert((truthy(true)  | true ) == true);
assert((truthy(true)  | false) == true);
assert((truthy(false) | true ) == true);
assert((truthy(false) | false) == false);

%% Operation `XOR`
assert((truthy(true) .xor(true) ) == false);
assert((truthy(true) .xor(false)) == true);
assert((truthy(false).xor(true) ) == true);
assert((truthy(false).xor(false)) == false);

The class Truthiness supports lazy evaluation.

%% Lazy Evaluation
% NOTE: Run the below lines as a code section. 

startSecs = tic;
[~] = truthy(true).orElse(@waitForOneSec);
disp('It SHOULD NOT take 1 sec.');

function retval = waitForOneSec(~)
    retval = true;

You can take a look of more examples at truthinessTest.


With git (and GitHub)::

  1. Open the MATLAB directory or the directory you want to store "MATLAB-truthiness".

  2. Run the command below:

    git clone
  3. In MATLAB command pallet, run addpath MATLAB-Truthiness.

With MATLAB exchange::

  1. Access the page in MATLAB File Exchange.
  2. Click "Download".

With Add-on Directory in MATLAB console::

:TODO: To be written.

Bug Report and Contribution

Anyone accepting CODE_OF_CONDUCT can contribute to this project, or anyone who found any bugs can submit a report about them to this project.

Feel free to submit your "pull requests" 🔀 or your "issues" 💬.