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Bootstrap Pretty

Heads up! Bootstrap Pretty is in the early stages of development and may not be suitable for production environments.


Install with npm: npm install bootstrap-pretty

Install with yarn: yarn add bootstrap-pretty

Recommended Style File Structure

For Bootstrap Pretty SCSS to compile with minimal changes, the recommended file structure is below:

├── custom/
│   ├── _variables.scss
│   ├── _additional-styles.scss
└── styles.scss

Installing a Theme

  1. Head over to the Bootstrap Pretty docs and pick a theme.
  2. On your chosen theme's docs page, navigate to Customize > SASS, for example
  3. Copy the file in this section and name it styles.scss and place it into the recommended file structure above.
  4. Compile with the framework you are using and be sure to reference the compiled CSS in the <head> of your document.

Bugs and Feature Request

Have a bug or a feature request? File an issue in Bootstrap Pretty.


Pull requests are welcome!