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Bloop NFC Scanner Firmware


Firmware for the Bloop NFC Scanner running on RP2040.


Download the latest release from the releases page and flash it onto your NFC scanner.


The firmware requires the following wiring in order to work:

GPIO Description
2 MFRC522 - Reset
3 MFRC522 - IRQ
4 MFRC522 - MISO
5 MFRC522 - CS
6 MFRC522 - SCK
7 MFRC522 - MOSI
16 Status LED
22 Mode Switch (optional)
25 Power LED (internal)

How it works

When the scanner detects an NFC card, it will emit a start hotkey, followed by the hex characters of the UID and ending with an end hotkey.

  • Start hotkey: CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + "U"
  • End hotkey: CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + "D"

For integration into browser environments we provide an easy to use SDK which takes care of all event handling.

Mode Switch

When a mode switch is installed, you can deactivate the sending of the start and end hotkeys. In this mode, the NFC scanner will only transmit the UID. The standard mode enabled is when the switch connects to 3.3v, while the UID-only mode is enabled when the switch connects to GND.


  • Install probe-run: cargo install probe-run --version=0.3.6 --locked
  • Add target: rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
  • Run code against a probe: cargo run