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ma-gnesium edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

hxNode is the successor to the over ambitious hxV8.

hxNode provides wrappers to Node.js and a patch to the haxe standard libraries to try and make usage as simple as possible. The standard library requires patching as the haxe javascript target defaults to a browser environment and looks for various browser elements on boot which do not exist.

After applying the patch compile the test with,

haxe -D nodejs -js main.js -main tests.Main -cp . tests.Main

node main.js

Given that tweaking the standard library is not a fantastic idea it is probably better to run it in a sandox, my preferred method is to take a copy of the standard libraries, apply the patch to the copy and then set HAXE_LIBRARY_PATH to the new dir, then you know that hxNode is not interfering with any of your other projects.

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