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This is the solution to task 6 of "Mathematische Grundlagen der digitalen Klanganalyse und -synthese", held by Manfred Hild during winter semester 2007/2008 at Humbold Universität zu Berlin.

Original C++ Version

Authored by Benjamin Werner and Christian Beier.

Build via make -C src, run by ./src/groovemaster5000 CLSFsonate.not, play output via play -r 44k -e signed -b 16 -c 1 -t raw out.aum.

Rust Version Ported From The C++ One

At commit 7533fc15c33c09a697d50b5fbe5aa00ccbc1c1b1, this matches the C++ version. Afterwards, it diverges into a more Rust-y version.

Run by cargo run CLSFsonate.not, play output like for C++ version.