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Docker setup for restic

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About The Project

Small docker setup for restic. It will backup all your docker volumes.

Getting Started Develop

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.



  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Start docker-compose
docker-compose up --build


  1. Create a .env file
touch .env
  1. Overwrite variables as you like (format: {variable name}={variable value})
Variable Description Default value Required
RESTIC_BACKUP_CRON GoCron to run backup 0 30 3 * * * false
RESTIC_RUN_ON_STARTUP_BACKUP Run backup on startup true false
RESTIC_BACKUP_TAG Tag for backup docker-volumes false
RESTIC_BACKUP_HOST Host name for backup docker false
RESTIC_KEEP_LAST Never delete the n last (most recent) snapshots 30 false
RESTIC_KEEP_DAILY For the last n days which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that day 7 false
RESTIC_KEEP_WEEKLY For the last n weeks which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that week 5 false
RESTIC_KEEP_MONTHLY For the last n months which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that month 12 false
RESTIC_TZ Timezone Europe/Berlin false
RESTIC_REPOSITORY Repository see Restic Docs none true
RESTIC_PASSWORD Restic password none true
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS key id none true
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret key none true
NOTIFY_TO Email to notify none true
NOTIFY_FROM Sender email none true
NOTIFY_SERVER Email server none true
NOTIFY_PORT Server port 587 false
NOTIFY_USER Email user none true
NOTIFY_PASSWORD Email password none true

Getting Started Production

To get a copy up and running follow these simple steps.



  1. Clone the repo
git clone --branch master
  1. Create a file
  1. Overwrite all variables marked under Customization as required
  2. Start docker-compose
docker-compose --env-file ./ -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml up -d


  1. Create a file
  1. Overwrite variables as you like (format: {variable name}={variable value})
Variable Description Default value Required
RESTIC_BACKUP_CRON GoCron to run backup 0 30 3 * * * false
RESTIC_RUN_ON_STARTUP_BACKUP Run backup on startup true false
RESTIC_BACKUP_TAG Tag for backup docker-volumes false
RESTIC_KEEP_LAST Never delete the n last (most recent) snapshots 10 false
RESTIC_KEEP_DAILY For the last n days which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that day 7 false
RESTIC_KEEP_WEEKLY For the last n weeks which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that week 5 false
RESTIC_KEEP_MONTHLY For the last n months which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that month 12 false
RESTIC_TZ Timezone Europe/Berlin false
RESTIC_REPOSITORY Repository see Restic Docs none true
RESTIC_PASSWORD Restic password none true
NOTIFY_TO Email to notify none true
NOTIFY_FROM Sender email none true
NOTIFY_SERVER Email server none true
NOTIFY_PORT Server port 587 false
NOTIFY_USER Email user none true
NOTIFY_PASSWORD Email password none true


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Luis Beu -