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dpm the kubectl debug-profile-manager

The dpm is a kubectl plugin build to share custom debug profiles with others.

Pull requests, bug reports, and all other forms of contribution are welcomed and highly encouraged! ❤️

kubectl custom debug profiles

With kubectl v1.30 an alpha feature has landed to make it much more easier to create an ephemeral debug container by defining a custom profile which gets applied to the debug container.

It's now possible to define the same volumeMounts from a running application container in your debugging session.


With the below pod.Spec in json format as debug profile name (PATH_TO_CUSTOM_DEBUG_PROFILE), an ephemeral container will get attached to the existing pod with a custom container image (e.g. alpine:latest) and the same volumeMounts the application container might have.

    "volumeMounts": [
            "mountPath": "/opt/app",
            "name": "<VOLUME_NAME>",
            "readOnly": true

why dpm

As of now, kubectl in v1.30 didn't got released yet. To get familiar with custom debug profiles, this wrapper got created.

Lower the barrier for having minimal container images for application workload

Minimal container images (scratch, distroless, ...) are awesome and from a security point of view something, you should definitely have.

But when it came to a rollout, operational aspects became more and more relevant, especially when something doesn't work than you expect.

How to check in a distroless image:

  • if the application created a TCP-Socket
  • helm (or any other templating engine) templated the app configuration from a secret or configMap into the Deployment you wanted to

To address this and other limitations with minimal container images and some limitations of the current custom debug profile implementation, I've added a small configuration layer in front of kubectl debug to make it much more easier to start a debugging session. With that it's also possible to share a tested debug configuration within your team.


The dpm needs a configuration file where re-usable profiles are stored.

minimal configuration

As a minimal configuration, the following fields are needed:

  - name: <PROFILE_NAME>
    profile: <PATH_TO_PROFILE>

The profile field is a path to a json file which contains the pod.Spec of the debug container.

    "volumeMounts": [
            "mountPath": "/opt/app",
            "name": "<VOLUME_NAME>",
            "readOnly": true

With the above configuration, the following command can be executed:

kubectl dpm run --profile=<PROFILE_NAME> --config=<DPM_CONFIG_FILE> --image=alpine/k8s:1.29.0 --namespace=<NAMESPACE> <POD_NAME>

full configuration

The full configuration file looks like this:

  - name: <PROFILE_NAME>
    profile: <PATH_TO_PROFILE>
    namespace: <NAMESPACE>

With the above configuration, the following command can be executed:

kubectl dpm run --profile=<PROFILE_NAME> --config=<DPM_CONFIG_FILE>

dpm will use the defined namespace and image to generate the ephemeral debug container. As target container, the first running container with the matching matchLabels will get selected.


The kubectlPath field is optional and can be used to define the path to the kubectl binary. To directly access a debug container, dpm is starting kubectl attach.

For now, dpm is using the value of the _ environment variable to determine the path to the kubectl binary. This only works, if the dpm is run as a kubectl plugin.

As standalone binary, the kubectlPath field is needed to define the path to the kubectl binary.


The dpm has the following flags:

  • --profile - the name of the profile to use
  • --config - the path to the configuration file
  • --image - the image of the debug container

As we also register the generic kubectl flags, the following relevant flags (IMHO) are also available:

  • --namespace - the namespace of the pod
  • --context - the context of the pod
  • --kubeconfig - the path to the kubeconfig file