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Building reproducible analytical pipelines with R

This is the repository containing the source code to my free ebook called "Building reproducible analytical pipelines with R".

Read it online here On that page, you can click the download button in the sidebar on the left to download a PDF or EPUB version of the book. You can also buy (the same) DRM-free PDF or EPUB from Leanpub if you want to support this initiative.

A print version through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is also planned.

If you spot a typo, feel free to open an issue or pull request.


2023-10-03: Several typos were corrected (thanks to the many contributors) and the wikipedia tables that are scraped at the beginning of the book are now re-hosted on Github Pages for reproducibility purposes.

2023-07-10: Two formatting issues were fixed on pages 338 and 419 from the PDF.

2023-06-29: A typo was spotted on the PDF version of the book, at the top of page 468. The command after docker push: was missing. This is now fixed.


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