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The History package allows you to have a browsing history stack. The class uses different drivers to store the history stack. The included drivers are: File (default), Database and Session.


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FuelPHP History package

The History package allows you to have a browsing history stack. The class uses different drivers to store the history stack. The included drivers are: File (default), Database and Session. The Fuel\Session class is used for storing driver data (that we can retrieve between requests) regardless of the driver used. The data (History entries stack) itself is stored depending on the driver you choose.



  • FuelPHP Framework version v1.1 (it is not backwards compatible anymore, please update you FuelPHP version).
  • MySql Database v5.0 or later (required only if using the database driver). Other databases may work but they are not tested.

Development Team


You can find the GitHub Repository on

Suggestions / Issues / Fixes

  • For Issues you can use GitHub's Issue Tracker
  • If you have suggestions you can send an email to dev [at] axelitus [dot] mx
  • If you have any fixes or new features you'd like to share please send them as Pull Requests on GitHub


The package installation is very easy. You can choose one of two methods described here.


Just download the source code located at axelitus' FuelPHP History package at GitHub and place it in a folder named history inside the packages folder in FuelPHP.

Alternatively you can use git to clone the repository directly (this will make your life easier when updating the package):

git clone history

Using Oil

Waiting for release v1.1 to complete this...


The first thing you should do is load the package. This can be achieved manually by calling:


To load it automatically you should edit your app's config file (config.php). Look for the always_load key and under packages and set an entry with the 'history' string. It should look similar to this:

'always_load'	=> array(
	'packages'	=> array(

Exending the History Controller

The easiest way to start using this package is to extend the Controller_History class. This will allow the extended Controller to generate the History stack (load) and save it automatically between requests.

To extend the controller just extend the base class like:

class MyNewController extends Controller_History

The Controller_History class uses a modified version of the before() and after() controller methods, so if you overload this methods inside your extended controller it won't work automatically unless you call the parent::before() and parent::after() statements inside your own methods.

Be sure to check the code in the base class and modify it as needed if you don't want to use the parent::before() and parent::after() calls or you need to do something 'special'.


The configuration is done using the file history.php in the config directory (you are encouraged to copy this file to your app/config folder and edit that file instead).

An example of the contents of a history.php config file:

// config/history.php
return array(
	'history_id' => 'history',
	'driver' => array(
		'name' => 'file',
		'compression' => array(
			'active' => true,
			'format' => 'zlib',
			'level' => 5
		'secure' => true,
		'hash_length' => 8,
		'file' => array(
			'path' => '',
			'prefix' => 'his_',
			'extension' => '.tmp',
		'gc' => array(
			'active' => true,
			'threshold' => 900,
			'probability' => 5
	'entries' => array(
		'limit' => 15,
		'prevent_refresh' => true,
		'use_full_post' => false,
		'exclude' => array(

The options in the config array do the following, most of them are optional and will default to something (they are marked with a default value):

history_id (type: string, default: 'history')

The history_id configuration value is the key to be used in the Session to store driver data.

driver (type: array)

The driver configuration value is the driver to be used and it's options.


'driver' => array(
	'name' => 'file',
	'compression' => array(
		'active' => true,
		'format' => 'zlib',
		'level' => 5
	'secure' => true,
	'hash_length' => 8,
	'[driver_specifics]' => array(
	'gc' => array(
		'active' => true,
		'threshold' => 900,
		'probability' => 5
name (type: string, default: 'file') [Options: file|database|session]

The driver to be used (one of three possible values).

compression (type: array)

The compression options to be used.


'compression' => array(
	'active' => true,
	'format' => 'zlib',
	'level' => 5
active (type: bool, default: true)

Whether to use compression or not.

format (type: string, default: 'zlib') [Options: zlib|deflate]

Whether to compress the data before encoding or not.

level (type: int, default: 5) [From 0 to 9]

The level of compression to use.

secure (type: bool, default: true)

Whether to encode the entries (using Fuel\Crypt class) or not.

This setting will be ignored when using the Session driver as the Fuel\Session class encodes all data automatically unless otherwise stated in the own Session's config.

hash_length (type: int, default: 8)

The length of the hash to be used to identify the stack (used for drivers to store the data and be able to retrieve it later).

gc (type: array)

The Garbage Collector options for the specified driver (if the driver has one).


'gc' => array(
	'active' => true,
	'threshold' => 900,
	'probability' => 5
active (type: bool, default: true)

Whether to use garbage collection or not. You should leave this set to true to prevent data flooding and even collisions. When set to false the Garbage Collector won't even be instantiated.

threshold (type: int, default: 900)

Seconds that will last the unmodified items (files or records depending on driver) before the garbage collector deletes them (The default of 900 seconds equals 15 minutes).

probability (type: int, default: 5)

The probability percentage (between 0 and 100) for garbage collection. (Setting this to 0 will have the same effect as to set the active option to false, but the GC will be instantiated).

entries (type: array)

The entries configuration value sets the options to how the history stack is managed.


'entries' => array(
	'limit' => 15,
	'prevent_refresh' => true,
	'use_full_post' => false,
	'exclude' => array(
limit (type: int, default: 15 [use 0 for unlimited])

This value limits the entries that the stack will register. The entries array works as a FIFO stack.

prevent_refresh (type: bool, default: true)

When set to true this option prevents duplicate entries by refresh. What it essentially does is that it does not allow an identical follow-up entry. If a refresh is detected the new entry will be discarded, thus not registering it completely.

use_full_post (type: bool, default: false)

Whether to save the full post data in the entry or just the post data hash.

exclude (type: array, default: array())

An array of uri's to be excluded from history registration (filtered). The special routes _root_ and _404_ can be used in this array, they'll get automatically converted to their actual value (from the routes.php config file).

  • For the _404_ special route the value in the routes config file will be used.
  • For the _root_ special route the value in the routes config file will be used and another empty item will be added (as it is root). Also a controller-only uri will be added if the 2nd segment of the route's config is 'index').

Driver specifics

This section holds some driver specific configurations and notes. To know what every specific driver option does please refer to the package config file (history.php under config folder).

File driver

The file driver uses a specific config key named 'file' with the following options:

'file' => array(
	'path' => 'path_to_store_files',
	'prefix' => 'perfix_to_use_for_files',
	'extension' => 'extension_to_use_for_files',

If something fails please verify the following:

  • Make sure that the specified path is writeable.

WARNING! (Please beware of this as it could generate some problems):

  • The File Garbage Collector will collect ALL files that meet the following conditions:
    • Filename starts with prefix 'prefix' and has extension 'extension'.
    • File has already expired using the 'threshold' value.

Note: Please make sure that you use a dedicated path for storing the History stack or that the prefix is unique to all files to prevent loss of other data if you share the storing folder.

Database driver

The table structure that the Database driver relies on is the following (MySql 'specific' creation code, it may work with other DB drivers though):

CREATE TABLE `history` (
  `hash` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `content` mediumtext,
  `updated` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`hash`)

The database driver uses a specific config key named 'database' with the following options:

'database' => array(
	'table' => 'name_of_table',
	'auto_create' => boolean

Session driver

The Session driver uses the Fuel\Session core class to store the entries stack. This driver is intended to be used with care as it relies on the capabilities of the underlying class. This means that it dependes on the chosen driver to handle the sessions across FuelPHP. You should be aware of how the driver handles data and what it's limits are. At the moment, this driver does not have a specifics config key, but the key 'session' is reserved for possible future development.


  • When using the 'cookie' driver for the session, the storage capacity is limited to 4kb (that means that the history stack and any other data you are storing in the session counts towards this limit). When this limit is reached you'll see this message:

    The session data stored by the application in the cookie exceeds 4Kb. Select a different session storage driver.

    Use this with care as it may broke your app completely. You are encouraged to use this driver with a small entries limit like 2 (current and previous only).


The useful methods (and the ones that you will be using the most while using this package) are listed in the following sections.

History class

This is the main class which handles the History stack.


Contains a string for the current version of the package.

History::push(History_Entry $entry)

Description: Pushes a History_Entry to the History stack.
Static: Yes
Return: void

History::push_request(Fuel\Core\Request $request)

Description: Pushes a History_Entry based on a Fuel\Core\Request to the History stack.
Static: Yes
Return: void

// From within a Controller method

Description: Pops the top-most (current) History_Entry from the History stack. Note: this will shorten the entries by one element. Returns null if the stack is empty. Static: Yes
Return: null|History_Entry

Note: this will shorten the entries by one element.

$entry = History::pop();

Description: Gets the entries as an array.
Static: Yes
Return: array (of History_Entry objects)

$entries = History::get_entries();
foreach($entries as $entry)
	// do something with each entry

Description: Gets the entry at the specified index. Returns null if index is out of bounds.
Static: Yes
Return: null|History_Entry

$entry = History::get_entry();
if($entry !== null)
	// do something with the entry

Description: Gets the history entries count.
Static: Yes
Return: int

$count = History::count();
if($count > 10)
	// do something if the entries count is greater than 10

Description: Gets the current History entry. Returns null if the stack is empty.
Static: Yes
Return: null|History_Entry

$entry = History::current();
echo $entry->uri;
echo $entry->get_controller();
echo $entry->get_method();

Description: Gets the previous History entry. Returns null if no previous entry is found in the stack.
Static: Yes
Return: null|History_Entry

$entry = History::previous();
echo $entry->uri;
echo $entry->get_controller();
echo $entry->get_method();

Description: Loads the stored entries to the History stack using the configured driver.
Static: Yes
Return: bool


Description: Saves the History to the store using the configured driver.
Static: Yes
Return: bool


History_Entry class

This class represents an entry in the History stack.


Description: Forges a new History_Entry object. It can take an array of data, a Fuel\Uri object or an uri string.
Static: Yes
Return: History_Entry

$data = array(
	'uri' => '/welcome/index',
	'segments => array(
		0 => 'welcome',
		1 => 'index'
	'datetime' => \Date::forge()
$entry = History_Entry::forge($data);

The only required data option is uri. (In fact, instead of an array one could use only the uri string. All other values would be automatically created).

History_Entry::from_request(Fuel\Core\Request $request)

Description: Forges a new History_Entry from a Fuel\Core\Request object.
Static: Yes
Return: History_Entry

// From within a Controller method
$entry = History_Entry::from_request($this->request);

Description: Gets the controller part from the uri in the History_Entry object. Returns an empty string if none is found or the uri is empty. If using routes this won't match the really executed controller as the History class records only the uri requests. Static: No
Return: null|string

$entry = History_Entry::forge('welcome/index');
$controller = $entry->get_controller();

Description: Gets the method part from the uri in the History_Entry object. Returns an empty string if none is found or the uri is empty or contains only the controller part. If using routes this won't match the really executed method in the controller as the History class records only the uri requests.
Static: No
Return: null|string

$entry = History_Entry::forge('welcome/index');
$method = $entry->get_method();

Description: Gets the one-based uri's segment specified by given index. Returns null if index is out of bounds.
Static: No
Return: null|string

$entry = History_Entry::forge('welcome/display/file/531');
$type = $entry->get_segment(2);
$id = $entry->get_segment(3);

Description: Serializes the History_Entry object.
Static: No
Return: string

$entry = History_Entry::forge('/');
$serialized = $entry->serialize();

Description: Unserializes the entries' string to the History_Entry object. All instance members will be overwritten.
Static: No
Return: History_Entry

$serialized_string = 'a:1:{i:0;C:21:"History\History_Entry":195:{a:3:{s:3:"uri";s:13:"welcome/index";s:8:"segments";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"welcome";i:1;s:5:"index";}s:8:"datetime";O:14:"Fuel\Core\Date":2:{s:12:" * timestamp";i:1317144358;s:11:" * timezone";s:3:"UTC";}}}}';
$entry = History_Entry::forge('')->unserialize($serialized_string);

Note: the serialized string is a close-to-real example.

History_Entry::equals($compare, $use_post_hash = true)

Description: Compares this History_Entry instance with another and determines if they are equal. It can be compared to a string (uri), a Fuel\Uri object or a History_Entry object. The use_post_hash param indicates whether to use the post hash to do the comparison or not.
Static: Yes
Return: bool

$uri = new \Uri('/');
$entry = History_Entry::forge($uri);
$compare = History_Entry::forge('welcome/index');

	// do something if entries are equal

	// do something if entry equals $uri object

	// do something if entry equals $uri's object uri

Future development

The basic functionality one would expect is already covered. New features will be evaluated and added as soon as possible. Please feel free to send feature requests through the Github repository.

Special Thanks

Firstly I would like to thank the Fuel Development Team for their magnificent framework and spent time for making our lives easier. Great work, keep it up!

Special thanks for he ones that helped by commenting, discussing, suggesting, testing, brainstorming (if I missed someone please let me know, if you don't want to appear in this list also let me know):


The History package allows you to have a browsing history stack. The class uses different drivers to store the history stack. The included drivers are: File (default), Database and Session.






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