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Releases: awslabs/serverless-rules

Version 0.3.2

14 Jan 07:57
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This release only contains dependency updates.


🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 21.11.29 to 22.1.11 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#129) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.56.3 to 0.56.4 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#128) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 (#127) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.56.2 to 0.56.3 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#125) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump black from 21.11b1 to 21.12b0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#126) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump from 2.10.1 to 2.11.1 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#124) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 21.11.28 to 21.11.29 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#123) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (#122) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.2 to 21.11.28 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#121) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 6.1.2 to 6.2 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#120) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.56.1 to 0.56.2 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#119) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump black from 21.11b0 to 21.11b1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#118) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 (#116) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump black from 21.10b0 to 21.11b0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#117) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.56.0 to 0.56.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#115) by @dependabot

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.3.1

16 Nov 13:42
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Fix an issue for Python 3.8 and 3.9 that would cause builds to fail.


🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.55.0 to 0.56.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#111) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.54.4 to 0.55.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#110) by @dependabot

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.3.0

01 Nov 14:13
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This release disables three rules for Terraform, as they only work by cross-references resources. See this issue for more information.

Disabled rules:

If you wish to use these rules anyway, for example because you rely on static values, you can enable it by following the tflint documentation on enabling/disabling rules.


🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 6.0.2 to 6.1.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#105) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#106) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.54.2 to 0.54.4 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#103) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-eradicate from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#104) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#102) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 6.0 to 6.0.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#101) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump pytest-cov from 2.12.1 to 3.0.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#99) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 5.5 to 6.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#100) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.1 to 21.9.2 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#98) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.54.1 to 0.54.2 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#97) by @dependabot

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.2.2

13 Sep 06:00
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Updating project dependencies.


🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.54.0 to 0.54.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#95) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 21.4.3 to 21.9.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#96) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump radon from 4.5.2 to 5.1.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#92) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.53.1 to 0.54.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#93) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump xenon from 0.7.3 to 0.8.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#91) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.53.0 to 0.53.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#89) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump pytest from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#90) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 (#88) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.52.0 to 0.53.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#87) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#86) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#85) by @dependabot
  • refactor(cfn-lint): refactor references with Value class (#84) by @nmoutschen

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.2.1

07 Jul 07:55
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Small bug fixes on cfn_lint_serverless.


🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps): bump from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#80) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.51.0 to 0.52.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#77) by @dependabot

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.2.0

29 Jun 19:07
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This release brings rule parity between the cfn-lint and tflint tool.


📐 New Rules

🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps-dev): bump pytest-cov from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#74) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 20.11.1 to 21.4.3 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#73) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump from 2.8.2 to 2.10.0 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#71) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.49.2 to 0.51.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#72) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps-dev): bump flake8-eradicate from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 in /cfn-lint-serverless (#70) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 in /tflint-ruleset-aws-serverless (#69) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 1 to 2.2.2 (#68) by @dependabot
  • chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 1 to 2.1.3 (#67) by @dependabot
  • chore: add dependabot config (#66) by @nmoutschen
  • chore: add docs requirements to make dev (#64) by @nmoutschen

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @nmoutschen

Version 0.1.9

14 Jun 17:05
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Bug fix for the Lambda Log Retention rule for cflint, and adding parity for tflint for two rules.


📐 New Rules

  • feat: add Lambda async failure destination rule for tflint (#61) by @nmoutschen
  • feat: add Lambda permission multiple principals rule for tflint (#60) by @nmoutschen

📚 Documentation Updates

🐛 Bug Fixes

This release was made possible by the following contributors:


Version 0.1.8

10 Jun 09:06
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This update focuses mainly on improvement to the documentation, and linking all the rules in the plugins to the documentation.


📐 New Rules

🚀 Enhancements

📚 Documentation Updates

This release was made possible by the following contributors:


Version 0.1.7

08 Jun 19:34
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This released is focused on adding more rules from the initial list of rules, with support for SNS and SQS redrive policies, Lambda EOL runtimes, and slowly bringing parity between cfn-lint and tflint.

There are also some documentation improvement, such as a FAQ, how to ignore rules, and using the tflint ruleset within CI tools.


📐 New Rules

📚 Documentation Updates

🧰 Maintenance

  • chore: remove documentation tag on cfn-lint/tflint changes (#40) by @nmoutschen

This release was made possible by the following contributors:


Version 0.1.6

05 Jun 14:24
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This release mostly focuses on tflint improvement, including support for the new tflint --init feature introduced in version 0.29, and some rule parity between the two tools.


📐 New Rules

  • feat: add Step Functions Tracing rule for tflint (#29) by @nmoutschen
  • feat: EventSourceMapping Failure Destination for tflint (#28) by @nmoutschen

📚 Documentation Updates

🧰 Maintenance

This release was made possible by the following contributors:
