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Releases: aws/aws-sdk-php

Version 3.138.2

15 May 18:21
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  • Aws\CloudFormation - This release adds support for the following features: 1. DescribeType and ListTypeVersions APIs now output a field IsDefaultVersion, indicating if a version is the default version for its type; 2. Add StackRollbackComplete waiter feature to wait until stack status is UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE; 3. Add paginators in DescribeAccountLimits, ListChangeSets, ListStackInstances, ListStackSetOperationResults, ListStackSetOperations, ListStackSets APIs.
  • Aws\ECR - This release adds support for specifying an image manifest media type when pushing a manifest to Amazon ECR.
  • Aws\Glue - Starting today, you can stop the execution of Glue workflows that are running. AWS Glue workflows are directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of Glue triggers, crawlers and jobs. Using a workflow, you can design a complex multi-job extract, transform, and load (ETL) activity that AWS Glue can execute and track as single entity.
  • Aws\STS - API updates for STS

Version 3.138.1

14 May 18:19
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  • Aws\EC2 - Amazon EC2 now supports adding AWS resource tags for associations between VPCs and local gateways, at creation time.
  • Aws\imagebuilder - This release adds a new parameter (SupportedOsVersions) to the Components API. This parameter lists the OS versions supported by a component.

Version 3.138.0

13 May 18:13
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Version 3.137.8

12 May 18:16
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  • Aws\IoTSiteWise - Documentation updates for iot-bifrost
  • Aws\WorkMail - Minor API fixes and updates to the documentation.

Version 3.137.7

11 May 18:13
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  • Aws\CodeGuruReviewer - Add Bitbucket integration APIs
  • Aws\EC2 - M6g instances are our next-generation general purpose instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors
  • Aws\kendra - Amazon Kendra is now generally available. As part of general availability, we are launching * Developer edition * Ability to scale your Amazon Kendra index with capacity units * Support for new connectors * Support for new tagging API's * Support for Deleting data source * Metrics for data source sync operations * Metrics for query & storage utilization

Version 3.137.6

08 May 18:22
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  • Aws\GuardDuty - Documentation updates for GuardDuty
  • Aws\ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI - Documentation updates for resourcegroupstaggingapi
  • Aws\SageMaker - This release adds a new parameter (EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption) to CreateProcessingJob API to allow for enabling inter-container traffic encryption on processing jobs.

Version 3.137.5

07 May 18:18
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  • Aws\AppConfig - The description of the AWS AppConfig GetConfiguration API action was amended to include important information about calling ClientConfigurationVersion when you configure clients to call GetConfiguration.
  • Aws\CloudWatchLogs - Amazon CloudWatch Logs now offers the ability to interact with Logs Insights queries via the new PutQueryDefinition, DescribeQueryDefinitions, and DeleteQueryDefinition APIs.
  • Aws\CodeBuild - Add COMMIT_MESSAGE enum for webhook filter types
  • Aws\EC2 - Amazon EC2 now adds warnings to identify issues when creating a launch template or launch template version.
  • Aws\Lightsail - This release adds support for the following options in instance public ports: Specify source IP addresses, specify ICMP protocol like PING, and enable/disable the Lightsail browser-based SSH and RDP clients' access to your instance.
  • Aws\Route53 - Amazon Route 53 now supports the EU (Milan) Region (eu-south-1) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region.
  • Aws\SSM - This Patch Manager release supports creating patch baselines for Oracle Linux and Debian

Version 3.137.4

06 May 18:21
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  • Aws\CodeStarconnections - Added support for tagging resources in AWS CodeStar Connections
  • Aws\ComprehendMedical - New Batch Ontology APIs for ICD-10 and RxNorm will provide batch capability of linking the information extracted by Comprehend Medical to medical ontologies. The new ontology linking APIs make it easy to detect medications and medical conditions in unstructured clinical text and link them to RxNorm and ICD-10-CM codes respectively. This new feature can help you reduce the cost, time and effort of processing large amounts of unstructured medical text with high accuracy.

Version 3.137.3

05 May 18:16
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  • Aws\EC2 - With this release, you can call ModifySubnetAttribute with two new parameters: MapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch and CustomerOwnedIpv4Pool, to map a customerOwnedIpv4Pool to a subnet. You will also see these two new fields in the DescribeSubnets response. If your subnet has a customerOwnedIpv4Pool mapped, your network interface will get an auto assigned customerOwnedIpv4 address when placed onto an instance.
  • Aws\SSM - AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store launches new data type to support aliases in EC2 APIs
  • Aws\Support - Documentation updates for support

Version 3.137.2

04 May 18:15
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  • Aws\APIGateway - Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway
  • Aws\EC2 - With this release, you can include enriched metadata in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) flow logs published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs or Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Prior to this, custom format VPC flow logs enriched with additional metadata could be published only to S3. With this launch, we are also adding additional metadata fields that provide insights about the location such as AWS Region, AWS Availability Zone, AWS Local Zone, AWS Wavelength Zone, or AWS Outpost where the network interface where flow logs are captured exists.
  • Aws\S3Control - Amazon S3 Batch Operations now supports Object Lock.