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Releases: aws/aws-sdk-php

Version 3.137.1

01 May 18:15
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  • Aws\EFS - Change the TagKeys argument for UntagResource to a URL parameter to address an issue with the Java and .NET SDKs.
  • Aws\SSM - Added TimeoutSeconds as part of ListCommands API response.

Version 3.137.0

30 Apr 18:18
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  • Aws\IoT - AWS IoT Core released Fleet Provisioning for scalable onboarding of IoT devices to the cloud. This release includes support for customer's Lambda functions to validate devices during onboarding. Fleet Provisioning also allows devices to send Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) to AWS IoT Core for signing and getting a unique certificate. Lastly, AWS IoT Core added a feature to register the same certificate for multiple accounts in the same region without needing to register the certificate authority (CA).
  • Aws\IoTEvents - Doc only update to correct APIs and related descriptions
  • Aws\Lambda - Documentation updates for Lambda
  • Aws\MediaConvert - AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for including AFD signaling in MXF wrapper.
  • Aws\S3 - Adds change to S3 parsing logic to correctly interpret certain 200 responses with a functionally empty body as connection errors.
  • Aws\Schemas - Add support for resource policies for Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry, which is now generally available.
  • Aws\StorageGateway - Adding support for S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING as a storage class option

Version 3.136.0

29 Apr 19:16
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  • Aws\IoTSiteWise - AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale. You can use AWS IoT SiteWise to model your physical assets, processes and facilities, quickly compute common industrial performance metrics, and create fully managed web applications to help analyze industrial equipment data, prevent costly equipment issues, and reduce production inefficiencies.
  • Aws\ServiceDiscovery - Documentation updates for servicediscovery
  • Aws\TranscribeService - With this release, you can now use Amazon Transcribe to create medical custom vocabularies and use them in both medical real-time streaming and medical batch transcription jobs.
  • Aws\WAF - This release add migration API for AWS WAF Classic ("waf" and "waf-regional"). The migration API will parse through your web ACL and generate a CloudFormation template into your S3 bucket. Deploying this template will create equivalent web ACL under new AWS WAF ("wafv2").
  • Aws\WAFRegional - This release add migration API for AWS WAF Classic ("waf" and "waf-regional"). The migration API will parse through your web ACL and generate a CloudFormation template into your S3 bucket. Deploying this template will create equivalent web ACL under new AWS WAF ("wafv2").

Version 3.135.6

28 Apr 18:17
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  • Aws\ECR - This release adds support for multi-architecture images also known as a manifest list
  • Aws\KinesisVideo - Add "GET_CLIP" to the list of supported API names for the GetDataEndpoint API.
  • Aws\KinesisVideoArchivedMedia - Add support for the GetClip API for retrieving media from a video stream in the MP4 format.
  • Aws\MediaLive - AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports several new features: enhanced VQ for H.264 (AVC) output encodes; passthrough of timed metadata and of Nielsen ID3 metadata in fMP4 containers in HLS outputs; the ability to generate a SCTE-35 sparse track without additional segmentation, in Microsoft Smooth outputs; the ability to select the audio from a TS input by specifying the audio track; and conversion of HDR colorspace in the input to an SDR colorspace in the output.
  • Aws\Route53 - Amazon Route 53 now supports the Africa (Cape Town) Region (af-south-1) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region.
  • Aws\SSM - SSM State Manager support for adding list association filter for Resource Group and manual mode of managing compliance for an association.

Version 3.135.5

27 Apr 18:13
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  • Aws\AccessAnalyzer - This release adds support for inclusion of S3 Access Point policies in IAM Access Analyzer evaluation of S3 bucket access. IAM Access Analyzer now reports findings for buckets shared through access points and identifies the access point that permits access.
  • Aws\DataExchange - This release introduces AWS Data Exchange support for configurable encryption parameters when exporting data sets to Amazon S3.
  • Aws\DatabaseMigrationService - Adding minimum replication engine version for describe-endpoint-types api.
  • Aws\SageMaker - Change to the input, ResourceSpec, changing EnvironmentArn to SageMakerImageArn. This affects the following preview APIs: CreateDomain, DescribeDomain, UpdateDomain, CreateUserProfile, DescribeUserProfile, UpdateUserProfile, CreateApp and DescribeApp.

Version 3.135.4

24 Apr 18:15
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  • Aws\DLM - Enable 1hour frequency in the schedule creation for Data LifeCycle Manager.
  • Aws\ElasticInference - This feature allows customers to describe the accelerator types and offerings on any region where Elastic Inference is available.
  • Aws\IoT - This release adds a new exception type to the AWS IoT SetV2LoggingLevel API.

Version 3.135.3

23 Apr 18:20
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  • Aws\ApplicationAutoScaling - This release supports Auto Scaling in Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra.
  • Aws\Endpoint - Fix for partition endpoint history logic for keys with hyphens.
  • Aws\Firehose - You can now deliver streaming data to an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain in an Amazon VPC. You can now compress streaming data delivered to S3 using Hadoop-Snappy in addition to Gzip, Zip and Snappy formats.
  • Aws\MediaPackageVod - Adds tagging support for PackagingGroups, PackagingConfigurations, and Assets
  • Aws\Pinpoint - This release of the Amazon Pinpoint API enhances support for sending campaigns through custom channels to locations such as AWS Lambda functions or web applications. Campaigns can now use CustomDeliveryConfiguration and CampaignCustomMessage to configure custom channel settings for a campaign.
  • Aws\RAM - AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) provides a new ListResourceTypes action. This action lets you list the resource types that can be shared using AWS RAM.
  • Aws\RDS - Adds support for AWS Local Zones, including a new optional parameter AvailabilityZoneGroup for the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions operation.
  • Aws\StorageGateway - Added AutomaticTapeCreation APIs
  • Aws\Transfer - This release adds support for transfers over FTPS and FTP in and out of Amazon S3, which makes it easy to migrate File Transfer Protocol over SSL (FTPS) and FTP workloads to AWS, in addition to the existing support for Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Version 3.135.2

22 Apr 18:13
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  • Aws\CodeGuruReviewer - Add support for code review and recommendation feedback APIs.
  • Aws\ElasticsearchService - This change adds a new field 'OptionalDeployment' to ServiceSoftwareOptions to indicate whether a service software update is optional or mandatory. If True, it indicates that the update is optional, and the service software is not automatically updated. If False, the service software is automatically updated after AutomatedUpdateDate.
  • Aws\FMS - This release is to support AWS Firewall Manager policy with Organizational Unit scope.
  • Aws\Redshift - Amazon Redshift support for usage limits
  • Aws\TranscribeStreamingService - Adding ServiceUnavailableException as one of the expected exceptions

Version 3.135.1

21 Apr 18:16
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  • Aws\CostExplorer - Cost Explorer Rightsizing Recommendations integrates with Compute Optimizer and begins offering across instance family rightsizing recommendations, adding to existing support for within instance family rightsizing recommendations.
  • Aws\EMR - Amazon EMR adds support for configuring a managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster. This enables automatic resizing of a cluster to optimize for job execution speed and reduced cluster cost.
  • Aws\GuardDuty - AWS GuardDuty now supports using AWS Organizations delegated administrators to create and manage GuardDuty master and member accounts. The feature also allows GuardDuty to be automatically enabled on associated organization accounts.
  • Aws\Route53Domains - You can now programmatically transfer domains between AWS accounts without having to contact AWS Support

Version 3.135.0

20 Apr 18:18
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  • Aws\ApiGatewayV2 - You can now export an OpenAPI 3.0 compliant API definition file for Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs using the Export API.
  • Aws\CostExplorer - Cost Categories API is now General Available with new dimensions and operations support. You can map costs by account name, service, and charge type dimensions as well as use contains, starts with, and ends with operations. Cost Categories can also be used in RI and SP coverage reports.
  • Aws\Glue - Added a new ConnectionType "KAFKA" and a ConnectionProperty "KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS" to support Kafka connection.
  • Aws\IoTEvents - API update that allows users to add AWS Iot SiteWise actions while creating Detector Model in AWS Iot Events
  • Aws\Synthetics - Introducing CloudWatch Synthetics. This is the first public release of CloudWatch Synthetics.