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This Guidance demonstrates how to process remote sensing imagery using machine learning models that automatically detect and identify objects collected from satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other remote sensing devices


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Table of Contents



If on a Mac without NPM/Node.js version 16 installed, run:

brew install npm
brew install node@16

Alternatively, NPM/Node.js can be installed through the NVM:

curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bash_profile
nvm install 16

If on a Mac without git-lfs installed, run:

brew install git-lfs

Otherwise, consult the official git-lfs installation documentation.

Clone the repository and pull lfs files for deployment:

git clone
cd guidance-for-overhead-imagery-inference-on-aws
git-lfs pull

Ubuntu (EC2)

A bootstrap script is available in ./scripts/ to automatically install all necessary dependencies for a Ubuntu EC2 instance to deploy the OSML demo.

This requires EC2 instance with internet connectivity. Insert into EC2 User Data during instance configuration or run as root once EC2 instance is running.

Known good configuration for EC2 instance:

  • 22.04 Ubuntu LTS (ami-08116b9957a259459)
  • Instance Type: t3.medium
  • 50 GiB gp2 root volume


This package uses a number of tools to enforce formatting, linting, and general best practices:

  • black for formatting python files with community standards
  • isort for formatting with a max line length of 100
  • mypy to enforce static type checking
  • flake8 to check pep8 compliance and logical errors in code
  • autopep to check pep8 compliance and logical errors in code
  • eslint to check pep8 compliance and logical errors in code
  • prettier to check pep8 compliance and logical errors in code
  • pre-commit to install and control linters in githooks


  1. Create an AWS account

  2. Create target_account.json under guidance-for-overhead-imagery-inference-on-aws/lib/accounts/

  3. Copy the below template into target_account.json and update your account number, alias, and region:

        "id": <target account id for deployment>,
        "name": <unique name for stacks>,
        "region": <target region for deployment>,
        "prodLike": <false || true marks resource retention>
        "deployModelRunner": <false || true deploy model runner>,
        "deployTileServer": <false || true deploy tile server>
  4. Export your dev account number and deployment username:

    export ACCOUNT_NUMBER=<target account number>
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<target region for deployment>
    export NAME=<unique name for stacks>
  5. Optional, export the following enviornment variable if you wish to build your containers from source using the submodules.

    export BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true
  6. Pull your latest credentials into ~/.aws/credentials

  7. Go into guidance-for-overhead-imagery-inference-on-aws directory and execute the following commands to install npm packages:

    npm i
  8. If this is your first time deploying stacks to your account, please see below (Step 9). If not, skip this step:

    npm install -g aws-cdk
    cdk synth
    cdk bootstrap
  9. Make sure Docker is running on your machine:

  10. Then deploy the stacks to your commercial account:

    npm run deploy
  11. If you want to validate the deployment with integration tests:

    npm run setup
    npm run integ
  12. When you are done, you can clean up the deployment:

    npm run destroy

Deploying Local osml-cdk-constructs

By default, this package uses the osml-cdk-constructs defined in the official NPM repository. If you wish to make changes to the lib/osml-cdk-constructs submodule in this project and want to use those changes when deploying, then follow these steps to switch out the remote NPM package for the local package.

  1. Pull down the submodules for development

    git submodule update --recursive --remote
    git-lfs clone --recurse-submodules

    If you want to pull subsequent changes to submodule packages, run:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. In package.json, locate osml-cdk-constructs under devDependencies. By default, it points to the latest NPM package version, but swaps out the version number with "file:lib/osml-cdk-constructs". This will tell package.json to use the local package instead. The dependency will now look like this:

    "osml-cdk-constructs": "file:lib/osml-cdk-constructs",
  3. Execute npm i to make sure everything is installed and building correctly.

  4. You can now follow the normal deployment steps to deploy your local changes in osml-cdk-constructs.

Model Runner Usage

To start a job, place an ImageRequest on the ImageRequestQueue by going into your AWS Console > Simple Queue System > ImageRequestQueue > Send and receive messages > and enter the provided sample for an ImageRequest:

Sample ImageRequest:

   "jobId": "<job_id>",
   "jobName": "<job_name>",
   "jobArn": "arn:aws:oversightml:<YOUR REGION>:<YOUR ACCOUNT #>:ipj/<job_name>",
   "imageUrls": ["<image_url>"],
   "outputs": [
      {"type": "S3", "bucket": "<result_bucket_name>", "prefix": "<job_name>/"},
      {"type": "Kinesis", "stream": "<result_stream_name>", "batchSize": 1000}
   "imageProcessor": {"name": "<sagemaker_endpoint_name>", "type": "SM_ENDPOINT"},
   "imageProcessorTileSize": 512,
   "imageProcessorTileOverlap": 32,
   "imageProcessorTileFormat": "< NITF | JPEG | PNG | GTIFF >",
   "imageProcessorTileCompression": "< NONE | JPEG | J2K | LZW >"

Below are additional details about each key-value pair in the image request:

key value type details
jobId <job_id> string Unique id for a job, ex: testId1
jobName <job_name> string Name of the job, ex: jobtest-testId1
jobArn arn:aws:oversightml:<YOUR REGION>:<YOUR ACCOUNT #>:ipj/<job_name> string Arn which is responsible for communicating with OSML service. Insert your region, account #, and job_name. ex: arn:aws:oversightml:us-west-2:0123456789:ipj/jobtest-testid1
imageUrls ["<image_url>"] list[string] List of S3 image path, which can be found by going to your S3 bucket, ex: s3://test-images-0123456789/tile.tif
outputs {"type": "S3", "bucket": "<result_bucket_name>", "prefix": "<job_name>/"},
{"type": "Kinesis", "stream": "<result_stream_name>", "batchSize": 1000}
dict[string, string] Once the OSML has processed an image request, it will output its GeoJson files into two services, Kinesis and S3. The Kinesis and S3 are defined in osml-cdk-constructs package which can be found there. ex: "bucket":"test-results-0123456789" and "stream":"test-stream-0123456789"
imageProcessor {"name": "<sagemaker_endpoint_name>", "type": "SM_ENDPOINT"} dict[string, string] Select a model that you want to run your image request against, you can find the list of models by going to AWS Console > SageMaker Console > Click Inference (left sidebar) > Click Endpoints > Copy the name of any model. ex: aircraft
imageProcessorTileSize 512 integer Tile size represents width x height pixels and split the images into it. ex: 512
imageProcessorTileOverlap 32 integer Tile overlap represents the width x height pixels and how much to overlap the existing tile, ex: 32
imageProcessorTileFormat NTIF / JPEF / PNG / GTIFF string Tile format to use for tiling. I comes with 4 formats, ex: GTIFF
imageProcessorTileCompression NONE / JPEG / J2K / LZW string The compression used for the target image. It comes with 4 formats, ex: NONE

Here is an example of a complete image request:

Example ImageRequest:

   "jobId": "testid1",
   "jobName": "jobtest-testid1",
   "jobArn": "arn:aws:oversightml:us-west-2:0123456789:ipj/test-testid1",
   "imageUrls": [ "s3://test-images-0123456789/tile.tif" ],
   "outputs": [
      { "type": "S3", "bucket": "test-results-0123456789", "prefix": "jobtest-testid1/" },
      { "type": "Kinesis", "stream": "test-stream-0123456789", "batchSize": 1000 }
   "imageProcessor": { "name": "aircraft", "type": "SM_ENDPOINT" },
   "imageProcessorTileSize": 512,
   "imageProcessorTileOverlap": 32,
   "imageProcessorTileFormat": "GTIFF",
   "imageProcessorTileCompression": "NONE"

Here is some useful information about each of the OSML components:

OSML Model Runner

This package contains an application used to orchestrate the execution of ML models on large satellite images. The application monitors an input queue for processing requests, decomposes the image into a set of smaller regions and tiles, invokes an ML model endpoint with each tile, and finally aggregates all the results into a single output. The application itself has been containerized and is designed to run on a distributed cluster of machines collaborating across instances to process images as quickly as possible.

For more info see osml-model-runner

OSML Model Runner Test

This package contains the integration tests for OSML application

For more info see osml-model-runner-test

OSML Cesium Globe

Build a way to visualize and display results from our image processing workflow.

For more info see osml-cesium-globe

OSML Models

This package contains sample models that can be used to test OversightML installations without incurring high compute costs typically associated with complex Computer Vision models. These models implement an interface compatible with SageMaker and are suitable for deployment as endpoints with CPU instances.

For more info see osml-models

OSML Tile Server

The OversightML Tile Server is a lightweight, cloud-based tile server which allows you to quickly pass an image from S3 bucket to get metadata, image statistics, and set of tiles in real-time.

For more info on usage see osml-tile-server

Useful Commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run deploy deploy all stacks to your account
  • npm run integ run integration tests against deployment
  • npm run clean clean up build files and node modules
  • npm run synth synthesizes CloudFormation templates for deployments


This is a list of common problems / errors to help with troubleshooting:

MemorySize value failed to satisfy constraint

If you encounter an issue where the deployment is reporting this error:

"'MemorySize' value failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have value less than or equal to 3008

The restriction stems from the limitations of your AWS account. To address this issue, you'll need to access your AWS Account

  1. Go to Service Quotas
  2. Select AWS Services on left sidebar
  3. Find and select AWS Lambda
    • Select Concurrent executions
    • Click Request increase at account-level on top right corner
    • Find Increase quota value section and increase it to 1000
    • Then submit it.
  4. This process may require up to 24 hours to complete.

To access further details regarding this matter, please visit: AWS Lambda Memory Quotas and AWS Service Quotas.

Permission Denied for submodules

If you are facing a permission denied issue where you are trying to git submodule update --init --recursive, ensure that you have ssh-key setup.

Exit code: 137; Deployment failed: Error: Failed to build asset

If you are facing this error while trying to execute npm run deploy, it indicates that Docker is running out of memory and requires additional ram to support it. You can increase memory by completing the following steps:

  1. Open Docker UI
  2. Click Settings gear icon on top-right
  3. Click Resources on the left sidebar menu
  4. Click Advanced on the left sidebar menu
  5. Find Memory and adjust it to 12 GB

error TS2307: Cannot find module ‘osml-cdk-constructs’

If you encounter an error while running npm i that leads to an error:

error TS2307: Cannot find module ‘osml-cdk-constructs’ or its corresponding type declarations.

Please execute the following command and try again:

npm install osml-cdk-constructs

Support & Feedback

To post feedback, submit feature ideas, or report bugs, please use the Issues section of this GitHub repo.

If you are interested in contributing to OversightML Model Runner, see the CONTRIBUTING guide.

Supporting OSML Repositories


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


MIT No Attribution Licensed. See LICENSE.


This Guidance demonstrates how to process remote sensing imagery using machine learning models that automatically detect and identify objects collected from satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other remote sensing devices



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