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gem install capistrano-ash


Run the following commands in the command line from the project’s root directory

    capify .
    rm -Rf config/deploy.rb; mkdir -p config/deploy
    touch config/deploy/staging.rb config/deploy/production.rb

After you have edited your Capfile and staging.rb and production.rb files, you will need to run the following command only once per environment:

    cap staging deploy:setup
    cap production deploy:setup

Deploying Magento

Check the Wiki for detailed installation instructions.

Deploying WordPress

Check the Wiki for detailed installation instructions.

WordPress on shared hosting
WordPress on virtual or dedicated servers

Deploying Drupal example

The capistrano/ash/drupal library takes a hash of Drupal multisites in the following format.

set :multisites, {"default" => "", "another" => ""}

where each key is a folder in your sites directory and each value is the URL of the multisite. If you are not using multisites, just exclude the :multisites variable definition.

Check the Wiki for detailed configuration instructions.
Drupal on virtual or dedicated servers
Drupal on shared hosting

Deploying Zend or Zend/Doctrine example


    # Capfile
    load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator

    # --------------------------------------------
    # :application HAS TO BE DEFINED BEFORE
    # REQUIRING 'ash/zend_doctrine' LIBRARY
    # --------------------------------------------
    set :application, "BEST_APP_EVER"

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Define required Gems/libraries
    # --------------------------------------------
    require 'ash/zend_doctrine'

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Setting defaults
    # --------------------------------------------
    # IP-address or host's servername
    role :app, ""
    role :web, ""
    role :db,  "", :primary => true

    # VCS information.
    set :repository, ""
    set :scm_username, "SVN_USER"
    set :scm_password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Subversion password for '#{scm_username}':")}

    # SSH login credentials
    set :user, "SSH_USER"
    set :password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("SSH password for '#{user}':")}
    # Deploy to file path
    set(:deploy_to)  { "/var/www/#{application}/#{stage}" }

    # Database credentials
    set :dbuser, "DB_USER_NAME"

    # Define which files or directories you want to exclude from being backed up
    set(:backup_exclude) { [ "var/" ] }

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calling our Methods
    # --------------------------------------------
    before "deploy:update_code", "deploy:setup_backup"
    after "deploy:setup_backup", "backup"
    after "deploy:setup_shared", "app:setup_shared"
    after "zend:symlink", "app:symlink"

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Application Specific Custom Methods
    # --------------------------------------------
    namespace :app do
      desc "Setup shared directories and permissions specific to the application"
      task :setup_shared, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
        run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/media"
        sudo "chmod -R 777 #{shared_path}/*"

      desc "Symlink shared directories specific to the application"
      task :symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do
        run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/media #{current_release}/public/media"


    # config/deploy/staging.rb

    # Deploy site using Capistrano
    # Usage:
    # cap staging deploy:setup
    # cap staging deploy

    # Database Name
    set :dbname, "DB_NAME"

    # Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/staging/backups)
    set :backups_path,  "#{deploy_to}/backups"


    # config/deploy/production.rb
    # Deploy site using Capistrano
    # Usage:
    # cap production deploy:setup
    # cap production deploy

    # Database Name
    set :dbname, "DB_NAME"

    # Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/production/backups)
    set :backups_path,  "#{deploy_to}/backups"