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Added new iterative PSF photometry routine, which re-fits previously …
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…found sources along with any subsequently detected sources within image residuals.
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Onoddil committed Apr 9, 2019
1 parent 87879b2 commit 831b95a
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342 changes: 340 additions & 2 deletions photutils/psf/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

__all__ = ['BasicPSFPhotometry', 'IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry',
'IterativeGroupPSFPhotometry', 'DAOPhotPSFPhotometry']

class BasicPSFPhotometry:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ def _get_uncertainties(self, star_group_size):
n_fit_params = len(unc_tab.colnames)
for i in range(star_group_size):
unc_tab[i] = np.sqrt(np.diag(
)[k: k + n_fit_params]
k = k + n_fit_params
return unc_tab
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,6 +739,344 @@ def _do_photometry(self, param_tab, n_start=1):
return output_table

class IterativeGroupPSFPhotometry(BasicPSFPhotometry):
This class implements an iterative algorithm to perform point spread
function photometry in crowded fields. This consists of applying a
loop of find sources, make groups, fit groups, subtract groups, find
new sources, re-fit all new groups, and then repeat until no more stars
are detected or a given number of iterations is reached.
group_maker : callable or `~photutils.psf.GroupStarsBase`
``group_maker`` should be able to decide whether a given star
overlaps with any other and label them as beloging to the same
group. ``group_maker`` receives as input an
`~astropy.table.Table` object with columns named as ``id``,
``x_0``, ``y_0``, in which ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` have the same
meaning of ``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid``. This callable must
return an `~astropy.table.Table` with columns ``id``, ``x_0``,
``y_0``, and ``group_id``. The column ``group_id`` should cotain
integers starting from ``1`` that indicate which group a given
source belongs to. See, e.g., `~photutils.psf.DAOGroup`.
bkg_estimator : callable, instance of any `~photutils.BackgroundBase` subclass, or None
``bkg_estimator`` should be able to compute either a scalar
background or a 2D background of a given 2D image. See, e.g.,
`~photutils.background.MedianBackground`. If None, no
background subtraction is performed.
psf_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance
PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models in
this package like `~photutils.psf.sandbox.DiscretePRF`,
`~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF`, or any other suitable 2D
model. This object needs to identify three parameters (position
of center in x and y coordinates and the flux) in order to set
them to suitable starting values for each fit. The names of
these parameters should be given as ``x_0``, ``y_0`` and
``flux``. `~photutils.psf.prepare_psf_model` can be used to
prepare any 2D model to match this assumption.
fitshape : int or length-2 array-like
Rectangular shape around the center of a star which will be used
to collect the data to do the fitting. Can be an integer to be
the same along both axes. E.g., 5 is the same as (5, 5), which
means to fit only at the following relative pixel positions:
[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]. Each element of ``fitshape`` must be an odd
finder : callable or instance of any `~photutils.detection.StarFinderBase` subclasses
``finder`` should be able to identify stars, i.e. compute a
rough estimate of the centroids, in a given 2D image.
``finder`` receives as input a 2D image and returns an
`~astropy.table.Table` object which contains columns with names:
``id``, ``xcentroid``, ``ycentroid``, and ``flux``. In which
``id`` is an integer-valued column starting from ``1``,
``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid`` are center position estimates of
the sources and ``flux`` contains flux estimates of the sources.
See, e.g., `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder` or
fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` instance
Fitter object used to compute the optimized centroid positions
and/or flux of the identified sources. See
`~astropy.modeling.fitting` for more details on fitters.
aperture_radius : float
The radius (in units of pixels) used to compute initial
estimates for the fluxes of sources. If ``None``, one FWHM will
be used if it can be determined from the ```psf_model``.
niters : int or None
Number of iterations to perform of the iterative fitting. If None,
iterations will proceed until no more stars remain. Note that in
this case it is *possible* that the loop will never end if the PSF
has structure that causes subtraction to create new sources
If there are problems with fitting large groups, change the
parameters of the grouping algorithm to reduce the number of sources
in each group or input a ``star_groups`` table that only includes
the groups that are relevant (e.g. manually remove all entries that
coincide with artifacts).

def __init__(self, group_maker, bkg_estimator, psf_model, fitshape,
finder, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), niters=3,

super().__init__(group_maker, bkg_estimator, psf_model, fitshape,
finder, fitter, aperture_radius)
self.niters = niters

def niters(self):
return self._niters

def niters(self, value):
if value is None:
self._niters = None
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError('niters must be positive.')
self._niters = int(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('niters must be None or an integer or '
'convertable into an integer.')

def finder(self):
return self._finder

def finder(self, value):
if value is None:
raise ValueError("finder cannot be None for "
"IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry - you may "
"want to use BasicPSFPhotometry. Please see the "
"Detection section on photutils documentation.")
self._finder = value

def do_photometry(self, image, init_guesses=None):
Perform PSF photometry in ``image``.
This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux
parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in
``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``,
will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by
``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background
subtracted. If ``init_guesses`` are not ``None`` then this
method uses ``init_guesses`` as initial guesses for the
centroids. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the
PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider
the flux as a variable.
image : 2D array-like, ``, ``
Image to perform photometry.
init_guesses: `~astropy.table.Table`
Table which contains the initial guesses (estimates) for the
set of parameters. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' which represent
the positions (in pixel coordinates) for each object must be
present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial
fluxes. If 'flux_0' is not provided, aperture photometry is
used to estimate initial values for the fluxes. Additional
columns of the form '<parametername>_0' will be used to set
the initial guess for any parameters of the ``psf_model``
model that are not fixed.
output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None
Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and
fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start
the fitting process. Uncertainties on the fitted parameters
are reported as columns called ``<paramname>_unc`` provided
that the fitter object contains a dictionary called
``fit_info`` with the key ``param_cov``, which contains the
covariance matrix.

self.image = image
if self.bkg_estimator is not None:
self.image = self.image - self.bkg_estimator(image)

output_table = Table()

for (init_parname, fit_parname) in zip(self._pars_to_set.keys(),

if init_guesses is not None:
output_table = init_guesses.copy()
output_table = None
n = 1
while(self.niters is None or n <= self.niters):
new_output_table = self._do_photometry(output_table, n)
# If loop counter not set then break once no new sources
# are found; otherwise simply update the table with the
# new list of sources.
if (self.niters is None and output_table is not None and
new_output_table is not None and
len(new_output_table) == len(output_table)):
output_table = new_output_table
n += 1
return output_table

def _do_photometry(self, init_guesses=None, n_iter=1):
Perform PSF photometry in ``image``.
This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux
parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in
``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``,
will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by
``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background
subtracted. If ``init_guesses`` are not ``None`` then this
method uses ``init_guesses`` as initial guesses for the
centroids. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the
PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider
the flux as a variable.
init_guesses: `~astropy.table.Table`
Table which contains the initial guesses (estimates) for the
set of parameters. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' which represent
the positions (in pixel coordinates) for each object must be
present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial
fluxes. If 'flux_0' is not provided, aperture photometry is
used to estimate initial values for the fluxes. Additional
columns of the form '<parametername>_0' will be used to set
the initial guess for any parameters of the ``psf_model``
model that are not fixed.
n_iter : int
Iteration counter, used to record which loop each source is
detected in.
output_tab : `~astropy.table.Table`
Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and
fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start
the fitting process. Uncertainties on the fitted parameters
are reported as columns called ``<paramname>_unc`` provided
that the fitter object contains a dictionary called
``fit_info`` with the key ``param_cov``, which contains the
covariance matrix. If ``param_cov`` is not present,
uncertanties are not reported.

if self.aperture_radius is None:
if hasattr(self.psf_model, 'fwhm'):
self.aperture_radius = self.psf_model.fwhm.value
elif hasattr(self.psf_model, 'sigma'):
self.aperture_radius = (self.psf_model.sigma.value *

if self.finder is None:
raise ValueError('Finder cannot be None for this routine.')

if init_guesses is not None:
# make sure the code does not modify user's input
init_guesses = init_guesses.copy()
# Remove extra columns, keeping only the necessary ones. This is
# easy if we have a previous fit attempt, as we just keep the
# fit values.
if 'x_fit' in init_guesses.colnames:
init_guesses = init_guesses['x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit',
init_guesses = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0', 'iter_detected'],
# Otherwise, we take the initial position and flux guesses and set
# iter_detected to zero.
if self.aperture_radius is None:
if 'flux_0' not in init_guesses.colnames:
raise ValueError('aperture_radius is None and could not '
'be determined by psf_model. Please, '
'either provided a value for '
'aperture_radius or define fwhm/sigma '
'at psf_model.')

if 'flux_0' not in init_guesses.colnames:
apertures = CircularAperture((init_guesses['x_0'],

init_guesses['flux_0'] = aperture_photometry(
self.image, apertures)['aperture_sum']
init_guesses = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0', 'iter_detected'],

# If there are previous guesses, we must search for new sources
# and then append the two guess sets together
sources = self.finder(self._residual_image)
if len(sources) > 0:
apertures = CircularAperture((sources['xcentroid'],

sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry(
self._residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum']

new_guesses = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0', 'iter_detected'],
n_iter * np.ones(sources['xcentroid'].shape,
guesses = vstack([init_guesses, new_guesses])
guesses = init_guesses
# If no previous guesses of sources have been provided, run
# finder on the entire image, and use these detected sources
# as the only sources to perform photometry on.
sources = self.finder(self.image)
if len(sources) > 0:
apertures = CircularAperture((sources['xcentroid'],

sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry(
self.image, apertures)['aperture_sum']

guesses = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0', 'iter_detected'],
n_iter * np.ones(sources['xcentroid'].shape,

for p0, param in self._pars_to_set.items():
if p0 not in guesses.colnames:
guesses[p0] = (len(guesses) *
[getattr(self.psf_model, param).value])

star_groups = self.group_maker(guesses)
output_tab, self._residual_image = self.nstar(self.image, star_groups)

star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id')
output_tab = hstack([star_groups, output_tab])

return output_tab

class DAOPhotPSFPhotometry(IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry):
This class implements an iterative algorithm based on the DAOPHOT
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