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Distinctiveness and Complexity

This project is Django-based project. It is not any or like any of the other Web50 course projects. DuckChat contains JavaScript on the front-end and is moobile-responsive, because of Bootstrap 5 framework

Files and folders

This project is made on network template, because of account system

As all of the other Django projects, DuckChat contains some base folders, such as: project4/, network/, static/ and files db.sqlite3 and

This project required WebSocket in it, so I needed such files:,,, and chat.js

Here I added network, channels and daphne apps to INSTALLED_APPS, so I could use them

To make requests be handeled by not by, but by, I changed WSGI_APPLICATION to ASGI_APPLICATION

Also, to set layers using redis, I added CHANNEL_LAYERS dict

Usually, application in deals only with http request, so here I had to use ProtocolTypeRouter

To deal with cross-site request forgery I used AllowedHostsOriginValidator objects to work with websocket

After than I user URLRouter to set routs, which should be used, when websocket connection is made

In this file I create routs, which will be used, when websocket connection is made

Also, when special url is called, I app uses ChatConsumer to deal with requests

This is the biggest file

At the top of it I allow DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE operations, such as database changes made asynchronously

After that I create class ChatConsumer, which inherits from AsyncWebsocketConsumer to allow getting and returning messages with websocket connection

Here are several methods:

  1. connect() - to set connection on special layer and accept it
  2. disconnect() - to discard connection on special layer
  3. receive() - to get message, create instance of new message in special chat with sender and send it back with next method, so that JS script could show it to both users
  4. chat_message() - to actually send message via WebSocket connection to the client


Here I set up a WedSocket connection via JS WebSocket() class and handle onopen(), onmessage() and onclose() functions

There are also some http requests in this app, so for it here are these files: project4/, network/ and


Here I include network/ to let it to handle http requests


For each veiw here is made a path() to handle each of them

Here are some views to work:

  1. login_view(), logout_view() and register() to deal with accounts and registration
  2. get_user_chats(user) is function to get all chats, where passed user is a participant. It exists, because almost on each page is a list of users chats, so I can call it for each view
  3. index() this view is used to show the index page with list of chats, where user is in
  4. search() this view is used to find all users, whose names contains given string and returns them and as index - chats
  5. chat(user) this view is used to get all messages from chat, which is opened by user. If such chat doesn`t in the database, new chat is created
  6. darck_mode() this view is used to turn ON/OFF the dark mode on the web site and redirects user to the index page

Each of these views requires dark propertie to send it to the client to set dark of light styles

Here are 3 main models:

  1. User, where is special field - dark, to track if user uses dark mode
  2. Chat to split all messages between chats. Each chat has at least two participants
  3. Message which is an object on message and has: chat(where it was sent), sender(User, who sent it) and message(the content of the message)

All of these models is registred in

Static files has 3 .css files and 1 .js file

  1. chat.js was explained above
  2. dark.css are styles for dark mode
  3. light.css are styles for light mode
  4. styles.css are styles for registration and login pages

How to start project

For this you will need docker and redis-server

sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo service redis-server start
sudo docker run -p 8000:8000 -d redis:5

You can download docker from official Docker site

Also, you have to install all pythonpackages from requirements.txt

Afret that, run command

python3 runserver

and you will see this project to localhost:8000


While creating this project, I learned how to deal with WebSocket connection in JS and Django, work with layers and lots of other things

I hope that I will continue developing this project, despite school and comming exams

I still have lots of ideas to implement here, so thanks to Harvard University, David J. Malan and Brian Yu, who are main lectors of Web50 for all of job done by them to give this project life

I hope that this project will be great practice in future for me


Final Project for CS50 Web 2020






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