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Terraform Provider for BigCommerce


  • bigcommerce_webhook - The ability to create webhooks for your

Data Sources:

  • bigcommerce_webhook - Ability to read an existing webhook.

Build & install locally:

make install

Generating docs

go generate

Example usage:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    bigcommerce = {
      source = "ashsmith/bigcommerce"
      version = "0.1.0"

provider "bigcommerce" {
  store_hash   = "your-hash"
  client_id    = "your-client-id"
  access_token = "your-access-token"

resource "bigcommerce_webhook" "example" {
  scope       = "store/customer/*"
  destination = ""
  is_active   = true

  header {
    key   = "X-My-Header"
    value = "myheadervalue"

  header {
    key   = "X-My-Other-Header"
    value = "myheadervalue"

Environment variables

The bigcommerce provider also supports environment variables in place of the provider configuration options. This makes it easier to apply your terraform code across multipe environment without the use of tfvars.

export BIGCOMMERCE_CLIENT_ID=your-client-id
export BIGCOMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-access-token
terraform apply