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Terminal to terminal streaming tips

Marcin Kulik edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

Great tip from @benaryorg:

A great opportunity to bring up the little known tail idiom: tail -fn +1 file

With that you can effectively output an entire file while still tailing it. That means you can stream without any complicated pipe setup:

# record

asciinema rec file.cast
# play
tail -fn +1 file.cast | asciinema play -
# play via ssh
ssh tail -fn +1 file.cast | asciinema play -

Edit: for lots of output (e.g. coloured stuff like syntax highlighting in shell or editor) I recommend putting a buffer in between to account for network latency and such:

ssh tail -fn +1 file.cast | pv -qB 8m | asciinema play -

Edit2: should be all uppercase -B in the pv invocations

Edit3: and there's the fitting cast:

Edit4: the ssh-streaming part should also be applicable