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SublimeMate is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that adds a few missing functionalities. It has a few little tools and missing commands in quick panel.


The commands listed below are automatically added to the quick panel. For example ST can fold/unfold comments but there is no commands. Now you can invoke the quick panel and choose Fold/Unfold Comments.

  1. Commands for folding and unfolding comments, and fold levels.
  2. Evaluate selected text:
    • Example of mathematical evaluation: 666*13
    • Invoke math and datetime packages' functions.
  3. Run ST commands. This is particularly useful for commands that would not run in a macro.
  4. Add entries to command panel. Invoke SublPlugs: User commands and add any ST commands.
  5. A version of Hipster theme for a better contrast for Go development.

An example for running commands: assuming you have Increment Selection plugin installed, you can easily create a list of a to f with this command, which is not possible with ST macros. Add this to user defined commands by invoking SublPlugs: User commands:

        "caption": "Create a-z",
        "command": "chain",
        "args": {
            "commands": [
                ["insert",          {"characters": "a"}],
                ["move_to",         {"extend": false, "to": "bol"}],
                ["move_to",         {"extend": false, "to": "eol"}],
                ["move_to",         {"extend": false, "to": "eol"}],
                ["insert",          {"characters": ","}],
                ["clear_bookmarks", {"name": "mark"}],
                ["move_to",         {"extend": false, "to": "eol"}],

In case you are wondering how I came up with the commands, I recorded a macro and copied the commands here and just cleaned them up.


To install this plugin you need to clone this repo under ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages folder.


  • Provide a repeat number for executing commands.
  • Add more functionality to evaluating strings: ^, avg, and ! for factorial.


SublimeMate is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that adds a few missing functionalities, like a better macro system








No packages published
