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Hi there 👋

We are Armakuni

We help organisations use cloud-native technologies and thinking to drive growth, be more efficient, and increase customer value, whilst also minimising risk.

Our clients get the hands-on support they need to choose and implement the most appropriate technologies and tools, embed scalable processes and practices, and develop high-performance engineering teams.

Do consultants write code?

Good engineering ones do! If we didn't practice what we preach, and solve problems as we advocate our clients do, we wouldn't be able to give very good advice.

What's more, when we're helping organisations we often spot problems that crop up again and again, and we write code to resolve it, and being good internet citizens, we try our best to open source what we build.

Can I contribute?

Of course! We love contributions and I gurantee we will be thrilled to recieve your contribution, the chat always gets so excited when we get a PR or an Issue, so please, any contribution is welcome! Even bug reports or questions valuble.

Fun facts

Armakuni is named after the ninja in The Last Ninja, because we don't want there to be any more "Ninjas" being heros, we want everyone to be to produce code sustainably and with a rapid cadence.

Where can I hear thoughts from AK

You could try


  1. ak-way-cheatsheet ak-way-cheatsheet Public

    The Ak Way as a cheatsheet

    6 1

  2. circleci-context-validator circleci-context-validator Public

    Circleci Context Validation in Code

    TypeScript 3

  3. carbon-guard carbon-guard Public

    Skip the build if the carbon index is high

    Python 1

  4. github-actions github-actions Public

    A collection of reusable Github Actions.

    HCL 1

  5. tcr-gameshow-template tcr-gameshow-template Public


  6. terraform-aws-github-actions-self-hosted-runner terraform-aws-github-actions-self-hosted-runner Public



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