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Security: argoproj/argoproj


Security Policy for Argo projects


  • v1.3 (2023-03-07) - Mention collaboration with IBB
  • v1.2 (2022-03-22) - Add Argoproj-labs disclaimer
  • v1.1 (2021-08-08) - Update contacts
  • v1.0 (2020-04-30) - Initial version


The security policy in argoproj/argoproj acts as a proxy policy for the Argo sub-projects Argo Workflows, Argo Events, Argo Rollouts and Argo CD,

For more specific policies, please refer to the following documents in their respective code repositories:

Argoproj Labs

The Argoproj Labs projects are a set community maintained projects (housed under a single GitHub organization) and do not fall under the scope of CNCF. They are independently maintained and typically have a separate set of members and maintainers from the Argoproj maintainers. Labs project have not undergone the same security reviews, membership requirements, and may have different security practices than the four Argo sub-projects. All Labs projects are required to have a in the root of their repository documenting their security policies as well as listing security contacts for reporting vulnerabilities.

Reporting Vulnerabilities

In general, we kindly ask you for responsible disclosure of any security vulnerabilities you may have found in one of our projects. Please do not create a GitHub issue, but instead contact us via e-mail at the following address:

For reporting vulnerabilities to projects under Argoproj Labs, please visit the project's policy to reach the correct contacts.

We also kindly ask you to allow us some time for analysing the report and react on it. We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

Internet Bug Bounty collaboration

We're happy to announce that the Argo project is collaborating with the great folks over at Hacker One and their Internet Bug Bounty program to reward the awesome people who find security vulnerabilities in the four main Argo projects (CD, Events, Rollouts and Workflows) and then work with us to fix and disclose them in a responsible manner.

If you report a vulnerability to us as outlined in this security policy, we will work together with you to find out whether your finding is eligible for claiming a bounty, and also on how to claim it.

Public Disclosure

Please refer to the sub-projects' dedicated security policies (see above) for specific details on how we handle reported vulnerabilities, public disclosure, crediting and other information.

There aren’t any published security advisories