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Apache Cordova plugin providing an implementation of the SITSHManager Swift iOS module, used for reading and parsing the basic contents of Swedish SITHS identification smart cards with a Precise Biometrics card reader.



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SITHSManager Apache Cordova plugin


This plugin provides an implementation of the SITSHManager Swift iOS module, used for reading and parsing the basic contents of Swedish SITHS identification smart cards with a Precise Biometrics card reader.

This plugin adds the following two events to the window object:

  • sithsstatechange
  • sithsdebug

Applications may use window.addEventListener to attach an event listener for any of the above events after the deviceready event fires.

This plugin also adds the following method to the sithsmanager object:

  • getState(successCallback, errorCallback)


First, add the plugin to your application, either by using the command line tools (cordova or phonegap):

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-siths-manager

Or by adding the plugin to your config.xml file:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-siths-manager" spec="~1.0.0" />

Example project

There is an example project in the example directory. This project has been successfully built and tested with PhoneGap Build.

State object

The state info object this plugin returns has the state property that can be one of the following state strings:

  • "unknown" The state of the reader has not yet been determined. This is the initial state.
  • "readingFromCard" The SITHS Manager is currently reading from an inserted SITHS card, parsing any certificates found.
  • "error" An error has occured. In this state, the state info object also contains the following properties:
    • errorMessage: An descriptive error message.
    • errorCode: A numeric error code passed down from the Precise iOS SDK. Only present on errors in the Precise SDK and not internal errors SITHSManager.
  • "readerDisconnected" There is no card reader connected.
  • "unknownCardInserted" There is a smart card inserted to a connected reader, but it does not appear to be a SITHS Card.
  • "cardWithoutCertificatesInserted" There is a SITHS Card inserted to a connected reader, but the SITHS Manager failed to read any certificates.
  • "readerConnected" There is a reader connected, but no inserted card.
  • "cardInserted" The reader is connected, and there is a SITHS card, containing at least one certificate. The parsed certificates are accessed in the certificates state info property (an array guaranteed to have at least one element). The certificates has the following properties:
    • derData: The raw DER data, as a Base64 encoded string, that was parsed to result in the certificate.

    • cardNumber: The SITHS card number as an unformatted string, for example "9752278900000000000"

    • serialNumber: The serial raw X.509 serial number data, as a Base64 encoded string. By specification, this data represents a signed integer of maximum 20 bytes.

      NOTE: This is not to be confused with the HSAID ("SE000000000000-0000"), that is found on the subject OID serialNumber.

    • serialString: The serialNumber value represented as a uppercase HEX string without byte separators, example: "63D0DAC6F31D6BE4C68658C487863CC0"

      NOTE: This is not to be confused with the HSAID ("SE000000000000-0000"), that is found on the subject OID serialNumber.

    • subject: All the X.509 subject string fields contained in the certificate, contained in properties on the subject property. Usually, these card holder subject OIDs are present in a SITHS card:

      • surname: The surename, example: "Alléus"
      • givenName: The given name, example: "Martin Nils"
      • title: The title, example: "CTO"
      • countryName: The country name string, example: "se"
      • organizationName: The organization name, example: "Appcorn AB"
      • commonName: The common name for the card holder, example: "Martin Alléus"
      • serialNumber: The card HSAID, in its proper form, example: "SE000000000000-0000"

getState function

The getState(successCallback, errorCallback) function can be called to manually fetch the SITHSManager state. This is for example useful for fetching the initial state on app launch.


sithsmanager.getState(function(info) {
    var parent = document.getElementById("state");
    parent.innerHTML = '<b>State:</b> ' + info.state;
}, function(error) {

sithsstatechange event

Fires when the state of the SITHSManager changes. Provides a State object containing state information.


window.addEventListener('sithsstatechange', logState, false);

function logState(info) {
    var message;
    var color;

    switch (info.state) {
    case "unknown":
        message = "Unknown";
        color = "black";
    case "readingFromCard":
        message = "Reading From Card...";
        color = "black";
    case "error":
        if (info.errorCode != null) {
            message = "Error (smartcard) " + info.errorCode + ": " + info.errorMessage;
        } else {
            message = "Error (internal): " + info.errorMessage;
        color = "red";
    case "readerDisconnected":
        message = "Reader Disconnected";
        color = "red";
    case "unknownCardInserted":
        message = "Unknown Card Inserted";
        color = "red";
    case "cardWithoutCertificatesInserted":
        message = "Card Without Certificates Inserted";
        color = "red";
    case "readerConnected":
        message = "Reader Connected";
        color = "blue";
    case "cardInserted":
        message = "Card Inserted, certificates:";
        for (i = 0; i < info.certificates.length; ++i) {
            var certificate = info.certificates[i];
            message += "<br />• " + certificate.cardNumber + " " + certificate.serialString + " " + certificate.subject.commonName;
        color = "green";

    var parent = document.getElementById("debuglog");
    parent.innerHTML = '<b>State:</b> <span style="color: ' + color + '">' + message + '</span><br />' + parent.innerHTML;

sithsdebug event

Fires when SITHSManager emmits debug messages. Can be helpful to troubleshoot any issues, but it's a bit verbose and can somethings be hard to follow. Provides a debug info object containing a message at the message property.


window.addEventListener('sithsdebug', logDebugMessage, false);

function logDebugMessage(info) {
    var parent = document.getElementById("debuglog");
    parent.innerHTML = '<span>' + info.message + '</span><br />' + parent.innerHTML;

Supported Platforms

  • iOS


Martin Alléus, Appcorn AB,


Made by Appcorn AB for Svensk e-identitet.

Copyright (c) 2017 Svensk e-identitet AB. cordova-plugin-siths-manager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Apache Cordova plugin providing an implementation of the SITSHManager Swift iOS module, used for reading and parsing the basic contents of Swedish SITHS identification smart cards with a Precise Biometrics card reader.







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