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release(ios-v7.0.0): updated version and
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erisu committed Jul 7, 2023
1 parent d1ad514 commit 1110a4b
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Showing 3 changed files with 117 additions and 3 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,120 @@

Cordova is a static library that enables developers to include the Cordova API in their iOS application projects easily, and also create new Cordova-based iOS application projects through the command-line.

### 7.0.0 (Jul 07, 2023)


* [GH-1340]( chore!: Remove `podspec` support from `framework` tag
* [GH-1310]( feat!: Remove some Xcode build dir overrides
* [GH-1305]( dep!: bump all possible dependencies w/ node engine requirement update `>=16.13.0`
* `semver@7.4.0`
* `plist@3.0.6`
* `fs-extra@11.1.1`
* `cordova-common@5.0.0`
* `nopt@7.1.0`
* `which@3.0.0`
* `@cordova/eslint-config@5.0.0`
* `jasmine@4.6.0`
* `rewire@6.0.0`
* [GH-1180]( refactor!: drop platform binaries
* [GH-1169]( chore!: Rename `Images.xcassets` to `Assets.xcassets`
* [GH-1161]( chore!: Breaking API cleanups
* [GH-1182]( dep(dev)!: bump eslint w/ corrections
* [GH-1181]( dep!: use latest dependencies
* `nyc@^15.1.0`


* [GH-1249]( feat: Add `LimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains` configuration key
* [GH-1320]( feat: add `listTarget` api & revert original bin file location
* [GH-1266]( feat(plugman): support `framework` `link` attribute
* [GH-1276]( feat: Support Apple Cloud Distribution signing
* [GH-1210]( feat: support extending export options
* [GH-1251]( feat: support multiple provisioning profiles
* [GH-1186]( feat(versions): print error messages, not error objects
* [GH-1168]( feat(catalyst): Enable Mac Catalyst support
* [GH-1050]( feat: add `CDVWebViewEngineConfigurationDelegate`
* [GH-1154]( feat: Swift Package Manager support for CordovaLib


* [GH-1354]( fix: Various ObjC/template cleanups
* [GH-1341]( fix: Try updating `Podfile` deployment target on prepare
* [GH-1343]( fix: Apply new Xcode flags consistently across test projects
* [GH-1126]( fix: replace of `podspec` variables in `Podfile`
* [GH-1336]( fix: Xcode 15 Beta
* [GH-1337]( fix: make the WebView the first responder when it loads
* [GH-1326]( fix: memory leak when removing the `CDVViewController`
* [GH-1312]( fix(create): Ensure unix paths in Xcode project file
* [GH-1315]( fix(splashscreen): positioning after rotation
* [GH-1295]( fix(`CDVPlugin`): swift init
* [GH-1255]( fix: import type definitions from obsolete `cordova-plugin-splashscreen`
* [GH-1170]( fix(bin/create): set failing exit code on failure
* [GH-1171]( fix(spec/create): handle `createAndBuild` promises
* [GH-1140]( fix: split xcode project location by env separator


* [GH-1206]( refactor: platform version logic
* [GH-1204]( refactor: move cordova minimum template
* [GH-1203]( refactor!: do not copy JS lib to platform project
* [GH-1202]( refactor: do not infer project root from script location
* [GH-1201]( refactor(create): convert main implementation to class
* [GH-1200]( refactor(create): sort functions in breadth-first call order
* [GH-1199]( refactor(create): further cleanup
* [GH-1198]( refactor(create): cleanup createProject
* [GH-1196]( refactor: move project template out of bin w/ code changes
* [GH-1195]( refactor(create): cleanup `copyTemplateFiles`
* [GH-1194]( refactor(create)!: move apple_* binaries & cleanup `copyScripts`
* [GH-1193]( refactor: cleanup create script
* [GH-1190]( refactor: replace superspawn with execa
* [GH-1188]( refactor: hide implementation of build & run
* [GH-1189]( refactor(run): code cleanup
* [GH-1185]( refactor(versions): DRY version binary code
* [GH-1167]( refactor: Api class
* [GH-1158]( refactor: replace `copy-www-build-step` script with build phase
* [GH-1032]( refactor: update allow list name
* [GH-1116]( refactor(projectFile): drop dependency on underscore


* chore(rat): add auto generated xcode files to ignore list
* [GH-1339]( chore: Remove unused `BackupWebStorage` preference
* [GH-1308]( chore: remove long-unused `codeSignResourceRules` option
* [GH-1183]( chore: remove unused and outdated `listStartedEmulators`
* [GH-1174]( chore: remove stale coffeescript tests
* [GH-1173]( chore: Remove unused imports from template
* [GH-1160]( chore(swiftpm): Fix up CordovaLib Swift Package
* [GH-1034]( chore: remove more deprecated `UIWebView` things
* [GH-1145]( chore: `npmrc`
* [GH-1129]( chore: rebuild `package-lock.json` to address reported npm audit vulnerabilities
* [GH-1105]( chore: add undeclared dependency `underscore`


* [GH-1197]( build: build `cordova.js` during npm prepare
* [GH-1317]( ci: add node 20.x
* [GH-1307]( ci: Drop NodeJS 14 tests for non-darwin jobs
* [GH-1277]( ci(workflow): update dependencies
* [GH-1271]( ci: remove Node 10-12 & add Node 16-18.
* [GH-1237]( dep: bump `simple-plist` from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
* [GH-1208]( dep: bump `jasmine@^3.10.0`
* [GH-1187]( test(version): merge two test suites into one
* [GH-1184]( test(create): further increase timeouts to avoid false negatives
* [GH-1177]( test(create): waste less time on name variants
* [GH-1179]( test: simpler killing of running simulators
* [GH-1178]( test(versions): increase test timeout when invoking pod
* [GH-1176]( test(create): increase test timeout
* [GH-1133]( doc: `README` improvements (cleaup, xcode debugging, etc)

### 6.3.0 (Apr 13, 2023)

* chore: npm audit fix
* [GH-1302]( fix: URL parsing for ATS in node 18
* [GH-1258]( fix: workaround for DisallowOverscroll on **iOS** 16
* [GH-1300]( feat: set webView.inspectable to true for Debug builds on **iOS** >= 16.4

### 6.2.0 (Feb 01, 2021)
* [GH-1069]( (chore): update dependencies for minor release
* [GH-1067]( fix: plugin podspec with no config elements
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "cordova-ios",
"version": "7.0.0-dev",
"version": "7.0.0",
"description": "cordova-ios release",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"main": "lib/Api.js",
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