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RIP - Robust image processing

This project provides a Python code permitting to calculate measures of robustness of image processing algorithms.

It is supported by 2 research publications:

  • A. Vacavant: A Novel Definition of Robustness for Image Processing Algorithm. In IEEE RRPR@ICPR 2016, LNCS 10214, pages 75–87, Cancún, Mexico, 2016.
  • A. Vacavant et al.: New Definition of Quality-Scale Robustness for Image Processing Algorithms, with Generalized Uncertainty Modeling, Applied to Denoising and Segmentation. In IEEE RRPR@ICPR 2018, to appear.

The program calculates the (alpha,sigma)-robustness introduced in the second publication.

How to use the code?

You may get inspiration from the .dat files provided in this repository. To evaluate robustness, you must give in the input file:

  • as many comments as you want, starting by '#'
  • 1 line with name of quality studied (SSIM, Dice, etc.)
  • 1 line with name of noise/uncertainty studied, followed by values of scales of noise/uncertainty (e.g. std of Gaussian noise) separated by tabs
  • for each algorithm evaluated: 1 line with name of algorithm, followed by values of quality for each scale of noise, separated by tabs

A first synthetic example is given in the file rip_test_first_example.dat:

# Quality measures for 5 virtual scales of noise
# First line always refers to the name of quality measured
# Second line stores the values of scales of noise (with name at the first pos)
# Then, algorithms' quality measures are enumerated following these scales (no limit on numbers) 
# Important: values are seperated by tabs (\t)
Uncertainty scale 	0.25	0.5	0.75	1
Algorithm 1	94	90	92.1	91.7
Algorithm 2	93	92.5	90	91

To run the code, give th input .dat file as parameter:

python <file_name.dat>

The program will then automatically:

  • display and save a figure to inspect visually robustness (fig_rob.pdf)
  • save a table presenting the (alpha,sigma) values for each algorithm, in decreasing order of alpha
  • print these values in the console


Evaluate robustness of image processing algorithms







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