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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 30, 2018. It is now read-only.


William Rummler edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

How to participate in this project

[This document is a work-in-progress.]

Have a question? Found a bug?

Search our issues (both open and closed) for an answer and, if you'd like, add your feedback and comments to the existing issue.

If you can't find an existing issue that addresses your concern, create a new issue for it.

In addition to usage questions, bug reports, feature requests, and documentation suggestions, "meta" issues about contributing etc. are also welcome.

How to get your question answered (or bug resolved) fast and accurately

Please be considerate of others' time and effort, which is often entirely volunteered.

Whether you're asking a question or reporting a bug, it needs to have this information:

  1. What seems wrong or missing?

  2. What is the correct or desired behavior?

  3. If there is a problem, where is a small, complete, and runnable example?

If you're joining an existing question, help fill in any of this information that might be missing.

Have some code or docs to add?

Contributions of code, docs, and/or ideas are always welcome and encouraged. For ideas, extend or create an issue. For code & docs, create a pull request (PR).

Branch Scheme

  • master/2.1.X is intended to always be in a stable state with only hotfixes and or patches going directly into it via forks or (origin) hotfix/patch branches.

  • 2.0.X stable branch for 2.0.X

  • website: website reflects 2.1.X

A a yeomon/angular application which is what the github pages and are running on.

Team members

As a team member (has access to pushing upstream) please fork the repo and make fix,changes..etc on your fork and the PR to the relative branch of interest.