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ToolTips - ToolTips

This is a demonstration on how to create tool tips with Angular 5.

This demo is divided into three modules:

  • Main handles the bootstrapping of the demo application.
  • Demo handles the tooltip demonstration.
  • ToolTip handles the UI components for tooltips.


View this demo in action at


This application was built with these key dependencies

  • Angular (tested with 5.2.1)
  • Bootstrap 4 (tested with 4.0.0-beta.3)


You need NodeJS installed to build and run this demo. Afterwards these two CLI commands will start a local server, where by you can access the demo at http://localhost:4200/

npm install
npm start


This demo shows how to create tool tips in Angular without having to compile web components at run-time. Usually a tool tip component is appended to the DOM body and compiled when it is needed. This demo uses a different approach where a <tooltips> component is used as a wrapper around the body contents. This allows the <tooltips> component to create tool tips by using *ngFor.

An example usage:

          <button class="btn" [tooltip]="message"></button>

This approach allows the [tooltip] directive to easily notify the parent <tooltips> when and how to display a tool tip.


This demo provides accessibility features by adding the aria-describedby attribute to DOM elements when a tool tip is displayed. This attribute points to the tool tip element which contains the role="tooltip" attribute.


This demo was designed to make it easier to test different aspects of tool tips:

  • You can adjust the number of buttons displayed.
  • Test window edge collision by aligning buttons to left or right of the page.
  • Extra long page allows you to test the scrolling of tool tips off the top.
  • Extra buttons at the bottom of the page to test scrolling off the bottom.
  • You can control which side of a button the tool tip appears on (top, bottom, left, right)


This demo follows a common Angular feature module approach. Where by, routes define scopes for features and those feature modules can be lazy loaded based upon demand.

Modules are described as follows:

  • Main is the bootstrap module that starts the demo.
  • Demo module handles the tooltip demonstration.
  • ToolTip module handles the UI components for tooltips.

How It Works

Tool tip support is added by inserting the <tooltips> component in the BodyComponent located in the Main module. This ToolTipsComponent acts like a global service as it is injected via the dependency injector into child [tooltip] directives.


This component handles the displaying of tool tips by using a *ngFor on a collection of ToolTipPlacement objects. This makes it easy to support either a single tool tip or multiple at once.


The ToolTipDirective handles the click events and calls the add() and remove() methods on ToolTipsComponent which is injected via the constructor.


This is an immutable object that describes where a tool tip should be displayed, and what the tool tip message is.


This is the component that displays a single tool tip message. It contains the logic for edge collisions with the browser.

CSS and UX

The styles used to color the tooltip and create the tooltip arrows were taken from the Bootstrap 4 SASS source code. No other functionality was copied from the BootStrap project or other source.