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Andeo coding contest

This repository contains my entrance to the Andeo coding contest. It was written in TypeScript and JavaScript.

What is the contest?

The contest is a learning-tool that teaches you english, if you're a german speaker. It gives an english sentence, and below that a german one. There is one catch to it: the german sentence has a gap, which the user is supossed to fill out. He does that by translating the sentence from english to german.

Why TypeScript?

TypeScript is a language which is very close to JavaScript that the browser cannot run. The TypeScript file gets compiled into a Javascript file that the browser can run. Even tough I can code in JavaScript, I saw this as a perfect oppotunity to show off and improve my TypeScript abilities.

How is this app set-up

This app has a HTML, CSS and JavaScript Frontend, with a SpringBoot backend that connects it to a PSQL DataBase, so that the users can log-in and save their correct awnsers.

Where the sentences come from

The sentences where written by Anes Hodza and come from a database (the docker-compose file is given). Then the Database should be created and the "sentences.sql" file executed, so that the sentences exist.


This app was developed on a localhost server. If it is opnened as a file (by opening index.html) instead of using it as a server, CORS will reject the attempted access, because the request is not sent by either http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, brave, chrome-untrusted or https. To fix this issue, simply open it as a localhost server. This can be achieved trought for example VSCodes "live server" extention or trough python3's python -m http.server 5500 command.

How this repo is set up

This Repo has two main folders, frontend and backend. The backend contains two sub-folders, one named SourceCode, and another one named Deployable. The frontend folder contains src and public.


The Deployable folder contains the compiled and .jar files, which can be run by typing java -jar backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. The sourcecode folder contains the .java files. This folder can theoretically be ignored.


The frontend contains a src folder, which contains the .ts files. This folder can theoretically be ignored. The public folder on the other hand contains all the .js, .html and .css files.


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