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The easy way to work with JSON data.

Getting Started

JSON response like this:

final json = {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "User 1",
    "created": "2021-02-17 00:00:00",
    "groups": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Group 1",

You can access its fields as follows:

final value = DynamicValue(json);

value['id'].toInt                   // -> 1
value['name'].toStr                 // -> "User 1"
value['created'].toDateTime         // -> DateTime('2021-02-17 00:00:00.000')
value['groups'][0]['id'].toInt      // -> 1
value['groups'][0].to<Group>()      // -> Group(id: 1, name: "Group 1")
value['groups'].toList<Group>()     // -> [Group(id: 1, name: "Group 1")]

You don't have to worry about whether there is a key in the object or an index in the list, what type of value is passed (for example, numbers can be represented in JSON both as numbers and as a string), you don't need to convert the date and time to the corresponding object or a nested structure in a model class. DynamicValue takes care of all this.

Data access

You can use text keys for objects and numeric indexes for lists to access structure fields.

value['id']     // Key access
value[0]        // Access by index

If there is no key or index, or the value is not an object or a list, DynamicValue object will be returned with a null value. Otherwise a DynamicValue object will be returned with a value that can be converted to the desired type.

value['not_existing_key'].toInt                         // null
value[4343].toDouble                                    // null
value['not_existing_key'].toInt ?? 1                    // 1
value['not_existing_key'].to<int>(defaultValue: 1)      // 1

This allows you to safely access nested data, if there is no key or index, then the result will be DynamicValue(null), which can be converted to the desired type with a default value or null.

Data conversion

DynamicValue can be converted to various data types using the .to<T>() method:


The following types are supported by default:

  • num
  • int
  • double
  • bool
  • String
  • DateTime

There are helper getters for them:

  • toNum
  • toInt
  • toDouble
  • toBool
  • toStr
  • toDateTime

Type conversion can be extended by specifying the type and converter function in the builders and rawBuilders static properties:[User] = User.fromDynamicValue;
DynamicValue.rawBuilders[Group] = Group.fromMap;

You can also specify a converter function as a parameter of the .to<T>() method:<User>(builder: User.fromDynamicValue)           // User(id: 1, ...)
data['groups'][0].to<Group>(rawBuilder: Group.fromMap)  // Group(id: 1, ...)

For builder: the converter function must accept DynamicValue as input and return the required type.

For rawBuilder: the converter function must accept a dart data type as input (for example Map, List, int, String, etc.) and return the required type.

You can specify a default value using the defaultValue parameter, if the value cannot be converted:

.to<int>(defaultValue: 4)

You can convert a list of values to a list of the specified type using the .toList<T>() method:

value['groups'].toList<Group>()          // <Group>[Group(id: 1, ...)]

You can convert a map of values to a map of the specified type using the .toMap<K, V>() method:

final json = {
    "map-groups": {
        "test-group-1": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Group 1",
final value = DynamicValue(json);
value['map-groups'].toMap<String, Group>()          // <String, Group>{'test-group-1': Group(id: 1, ...)}


You can check if an object has a specific key or a specific index in the list using the .has() method:

value.has('id')                  // true
value['groups'].has(2)           // false

You can also check if DynamicValue contains null using the following two properties:

value.isNull             // Returns true if value is null
value.isNotNull          // Returns true if value is NOT null