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This is a demo of a simple, custom newsletter subscription form built with Netlify Functions and the Buttondown API. It includes a serverless function, a basic HTML form, and a minimal landing page.

View the demo site:

Deploy to Netlify

Deploy your own version of this example site, by clicking the Deploy to Netlify Button below. This will automatically:

  • Clone a copy of this repo to your own GitHub account
  • Create a new project in your Netlify account, linked to your new repo
  • Create an automated deployment pipeline to watch for changes on your repo
  • Build and deploy your new site

Deploy to Netlify

Install and run this example locally

You can clone this example repo to explore its features and implementation, and to run it locally.

# 1. Clone the repository to your local development environment
git clone

# 2. Move into the project directory
cd buttondown-netlify-function

# 3. Install the Netlify CLI to let you locally serve your site using Netlify's features
npm install -g netlify-cli

# 4. Serve your site using Netlify Dev to get local serverless functions
netlify dev

Create an environment variable

You must create and add your Buttondown API key as an environment variable for your Netlify site before the serverless function will work.


MIT License