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Modified Oberon-07 compiler that implements forward references of procedures for 2 use cases:

  • Use case A: To make references among nested procedures more efficient
  • Use case B (includes use case A): To implement forward declarations of procedures

Note: In this repository, the term "Project Oberon 2013" refers to a re-implementation of the original "Project Oberon" on an FPGA development board around 2013, as published at

PREREQUISITES: A current version of Project Oberon 2013 (see or Extended Oberon (see

Use case A: To make references among nested procedures more efficient, use source files ORB1.Mod, ORG1.Mod and ORP1.Mod.

This implements only forward references, but not forward declarations of procedures.

If a procedure Q which is local to procedure P refers to the enclosing procedure P, as in

   BEGIN (*body of Q*) P  (*forward reference from Q to P, as the body of P is not compiled yet*)
   END Q;
 BEGIN (*body of P*)

then the official Oberon-07 compiler, as published on, generates the following code:

 20  P'   BL  10         ; forward branch to line 31 (the body of P)
 21  Q    body of Q
          ...            ; any calls from Q to P are BACKWARD jumps to line 20 and from there forward to line 31
 31  P    body of P

whereas the modified compiler provided in this repository generates the following, more efficient, code:

 20  Q   body of Q
         ...             ; any calls from Q to P are FORWARD jumps to line 30, fixed up when the body of P is compiled
 30  P   body of P

i.e. it does not generate an extra forward jump in line 20 around Q to the body of P and backward jumps from Q to line 20. In Project Oberon 2013, the extra BL instruction in line 20 exists, so that Q can call P (Q is compiled before P).

Use case B (includes use case A): To implement both forward references of procedures and forward declarations of procedures, use source files ORP2.Mod instead of ORP1.Mod (the other source files being the same as in use case A):

This adds forward declarations of procedures (in the source language) to use case A. Note that with the changes needed for use case A, the implementation of forward declarations of procedures comes practically for free.

Forward declarations of procedures have been eliminated in the Oberon-07 language revision of 2013/2016 (see

The rationale was that forward declarations of procedures can always be eliminated from any program by an appropriate nesting or by introducing procedure variables (see chapter 2 of

Another argument for eliminating forward declaration of procedures is that the language already has the language construct of procedure variables, which are needed for handlers and call backs. Therefore, one doesn‘t also need the additional language construct of forward declarations of procedures.

Here, we have re-introduced them for three main reasons:

  1. Backward-compatibility: Legacy programs that contain forward references of procedures are now accepted again by the compiler.
  2. Direct procedure calls are more efficient than using procedure variables.
  3. Introducing forward declarations of procedures added only about 10 lines of source code (relative to use case 1).

Forward declarations of procedures are implemented in the same way as in the original implementation before the Oberon-07 language revision, i.e.

  1. They are explicitly specified by ^ following the symbol PROCEDURE in the source text.
  2. The compiler processes the heading in the normal way, assuming its body to be missing. The newly generated object in the symbol table is marked as a forward declaration.
  3. When later in the source text the full declaration is encountered, the symbol table is first searched. If the given identifier is found and denotes a procedure, the full declaration is associated with the already existing entry in the symbol table and the parameter lists are compared. Otherwise a multiple definition of the same identifier is present.


The modified compiler implements forward declarations of procedures as described below:

Note that in our implementation both global and local procedures can be declared forward.

1. Processing of the procedure heading of a forward-declared procedure P (ORP.ProcedureDecl):

When this heading of a forward-declared procedure P, i.e. the heading


is processed, the field obj.type.len is set to 0 to indicate that no forward reference to P has been generated yet, and obj.val is set to -1 to indicate that the body of P has not been compiled yet. See ORP.ProcedureDecl:

    proc.val := -1;       (*<0: body of P has not been compiled yet; otherwise: entry address of P*)

The field proc.type.len is used as the heading of the fixup list for forward references to P (initially set to 0). This is acceptable, because every procedure object obj (of type ORB.Object) has its own type object obj.type (of type ORB.Type) and its field obj.type.len is not used otherwise.

The field obj.type.len is available during code generation as the field x.type.len in source level items generated from the procedure object obj using procedure ORG.MakeItem, while the field obj.val is available as the field x.a.

2. Assigning P to a procedure variable, passing P as a procedure parameter, returning P as a result of a function procedure (ORG.load):

If a procedure P, whose body has not been compiled yet, is assigned to a procedure variable, passed as parameter to a procedure or returned as the result of a function procedure, a forward reference in the form of a register instruction is generated that will eventually contain an instruction operand.

This adds a single line to ORG.load:

   IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, 0); Put1(Add, RH, LNK, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1    (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)

The purpose of the first instruction generated (branch zero step forward) is to merely deposit the link address PC+1 in register LNK ("LNK := PC+1"). To this address, we then add the code distance to procedure P (determined later during the fixup step in ORP.Body).

Here we use PC-relative addressing, so that we can fix up this instruction at compile time rather than only at module load time.

3. Calling a forward-declared procedure P (ORG.Call):

If a procedure P, whose body has not been compiled yet, is called, a forward reference in the form of a branch instruction is generated that will eventually contain the branch displacement.

This adds a single line to ORG.Call:.

   IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1  (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)

4. Compilation of the procedure body of a forward-declared procedure P (ORP.Body):

When the procedure body of P is compiled, all forward references to P are fixed up with the now known actual entry address of P, and the field obj.val is changed to that address.

This changes ORP.ProcedureDecl from:

    proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=;
    IF sym = ORS.procedure THEN
      L := 0; ORG.FJump(L);
      REPEAT ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") UNTIL sym # ORS.procedure;
      ORG.FixOne(L); proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=
    END ;

to the following code excerpt (in a newly introduced local procedure ORP.Body):

    proc.type.dsc :=;
    WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
    ORG.FixLinkMixed(proc.type.len);  (*fix forward references generated in ORG.load and ORG.Call*)
    proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=; DEC(fc);

As one can see, the forward jump at the beginning of P is no longer generated (no calls to ORG.FJump anymore).

The second assignment proc.type.dsc := is necessary to cover the case, where proc.type.dsc has been NIL before local procedures have been processed (in this case, a new object for the local procedure will be added).

Note that procedure ORG.FixLink of the Project Oberon 2013 compiler assumes that the instructions to be fixed up are format-3 branch instructions. But in our implementation we also generate format-1 register instructions (in ORG.load, see above).

We could have decided to just generalize ORG.FixLink to also handle the format-1 ADD instruction generated in ORG.load.

However, we have opted to add a separate procedure ORG.FixLinkMixed that can handle both format-1 and format-3 instructions embedded in the same fixup list.

This has the advantage, that the (more complex) code in ORG.FixLinkMixed is only called when compiling procedure bodies, and not in all cases where format-3 branch instructions are to be fixed up. This choice also nicely isolates the addition of this feature, which, after all, exists only in the retro compiler, and only to implement forward declarations of procedures.

    PROCEDURE fix1(at, with: LONGINT);
      VAR v: LONGINT;
    BEGIN (*fix format-1 register instruction*)
       IF with < 0 THEN v := C28 (*set v bit*) ELSE v := 0 END ;
       code[at] := code[at] DIV C16 * C16 + with MOD C16 + v
    END fix1;

    PROCEDURE FixLinkMixed*(L: LONGINT);
      VAR L1, format: LONGINT; p: INTEGER;
    BEGIN (*fix chain of instructions of different formats*)
      WHILE L # 0 DO p := code[L];
        format := p DIV C30 MOD 4; L1 := p MOD C16;
        IF format < 3 THEN fix1(L, (pc-L)*4) ELSE fix(L, pc-L-1) END ;
        L := L1
    END FixLinkMixed;

Note that it is essential that the origin of the fixup list for a procedure P is not rooted in a variable L local to the parsing procedure ProcedureDecl (as is typical in other parsing procedures), because forward references may be generated from other procedures in

  • the surrounding scope,
  • the same scope, or
  • from within a nested scope (as in the example above).

However, the fixup list must be associated with P at all times. A field in the symbol table entry (such as obj.type.len) for P is therefore ideally suited for this purpose.

5. Compilations of calls to P after the procedure body of P has been compiled:

Any references to P later in the source text are backward references using the actual entry address of P, and no fixups are needed for such calls.

Preparing your compiler to support forward references of procedures

Convert the downloaded files to Oberon format (Oberon uses CR as line endings) using the command dos2oberon, also available in this repository (example shown for Mac or Linux):

 for x in *.Mod ; do ./dos2oberon $x $x ; done

Import the files to your Oberon system. If you use an emulator (e.g., to run the Oberon system, click on the PCLink1.Run link in the System.Tool viewer, copy the files to the emulator directory, and execute the following command on the command shell of your host system:

 cd oberon-risc-emu
 for x in *.Mod ; do ./ $x ; sleep 0.5 ; done

Rebuild the Oberon compiler, depending on the use case that you want to implement

Use case A (see Test1.Mod):

 ORP.Compile ORB1.Mod/s ORG1.Mod/s ORP1.Mod ~     # build a compiler for use case A

Use case B (see Test2.Mod):

 ORP.Compile ORB1.Mod/s ORG1.Mod/s ORP2.Mod ~     # build a compiler for use case B

Followed by:

 System.Free ORTool ORP ORG ORB ORS ~          # unload the old compiler used to build the new one

See the test programs Test.Mod and Test1.Mod for the correct compilation order.

Appendix 1: Changes made to Project Oberon 2013 for use case A


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORB.Mod	2020-03-06 13:20:41.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORB1.Mod	2021-10-23 12:27:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -79,6 +79,13 @@
   END NewObj;
+  PROCEDURE FindObj*(id: ORS.Ident; list: Object): Object;  (*search id in list*)
+    VAR x: Object;
+  BEGIN x := list;
+    WHILE (x # NIL) & ( # id) DO x := END ;
+    RETURN x
+  END FindObj;
   PROCEDURE thisObj*(): Object;
     VAR s, x: Object;
   BEGIN s := topScope;


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORG.Mod  2019-05-30 17:58:14.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORG1.Mod  2021-10-23 18:22:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
   CONST WordSize* = 4;
     StkOrg0 = -64; VarOrg0 = 0;  (*for RISC-0 only*)
     MT = 12; SP = 14; LNK = 15;   (*dedicated registers*)
-    maxCode = 8000; maxStrx = 2400; maxTD = 160; C24 = 1000000H;
+    maxCode = 8000; maxStrx = 3000; maxTD = 160;
     Reg = 10; RegI = 11; Cond = 12;  (*internal item modes*)
+    C4 = 10H; C6 = 40H; C8 = 100H; C10 = 400H; C12 = 1000H; C14 = 4000H; C16 = 10000H; C18 = 40000H;
+    C20 = 100000H; C22 = 400000H; C24 = 1000000H; C26 = 4000000H; C28 = 10000000H; C30 = 40000000H;
   (*frequently used opcodes*)  U = 2000H; V = 1000H;
     Mov = 0; Lsl = 1; Asr = 2; Ror= 3; And = 4; Ann = 5; Ior = 6; Xor = 7;
@@ -109,14 +111,17 @@
     RETURN cond
   END negated;
+  PROCEDURE fix1(at, with: LONGINT);
+    VAR v: LONGINT;
+  BEGIN (*fix format-1 register instruction*)
+    IF with < 0 THEN v := C28 (*set v bit*) ELSE v := 0 END ;
+    code[at] := code[at] DIV C16 * C16 + with MOD C16 + v
+  END fix1;
   PROCEDURE fix(at, with: LONGINT);
   BEGIN code[at] := code[at] DIV C24 * C24 + (with MOD C24)
   END fix;
-  BEGIN fix(at, pc-at-1)
-  END FixOne;
@@ -132,6 +137,16 @@
   END FixLinkWith;
+    VAR L1, format: LONGINT; p: INTEGER;
+  BEGIN (*fix chain of instructions of different formats*)
+    WHILE L # 0 DO p := code[L];
+      format := p DIV C30 MOD 4; L1 := p MOD C16;
+      IF format < 3 THEN fix1(L, (pc-L)*4) ELSE fix(L, pc-L-1) END ;
+      L := L1
+    END
+  END FixLinkMixed;
     VAR L2, L3: LONGINT;
@@ -162,7 +177,8 @@
     IF x.mode # Reg THEN
       IF x.mode = ORB.Const THEN
         IF x.type.form = ORB.Proc THEN
-          IF x.r > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("not allowed")
+          IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, 0); Put1(Add, RH, LNK, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1  (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)
+          ELSIF x.r > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("not allowed")
           ELSIF x.r = 0 THEN Put3(BL, 7, 0); Put1a(Sub, RH, LNK, pc*4 - x.a)
           ELSE GetSB(x.r); Put1(Add, RH, RH, x.a + 100H) (*mark as progbase-relative*)
@@ -771,7 +787,8 @@
   PROCEDURE Call*(VAR x: Item; r: LONGINT);
   BEGIN (*x.type.form = ORB.Proc*)
     IF x.mode = ORB.Const THEN
-      IF x.r >= 0 THEN Put3(BL, 7, (x.a DIV 4)-pc-1)
+      IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1  (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)
+      ELSIF x.r >= 0 THEN Put3(BL, 7, (x.a DIV 4)-pc-1)
       ELSE (*imported*)
         IF pc - fixorgP < 1000H THEN
           Put3(BL, 7, ((-x.r) * 100H + x.a) * 1000H + pc-fixorgP); fixorgP := pc-1


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORP.Mod  2021-05-24 10:06:15.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORP1.Mod  2021-10-23 18:15:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@
       type: ORB.Type;
       procid: ORS.Ident;
       x: ORG.Item;
-      locblksize, parblksize, L: LONGINT;
+      locblksize, parblksize: LONGINT;
       int: BOOLEAN;
   BEGIN (* ProcedureDecl *) int := FALSE; ORS.Get(sym); 
     IF sym = ORS.times THEN ORS.Get(sym); int := TRUE END ;
@@ -865,13 +865,10 @@
       ORB.OpenScope; INC(level); type.base := ORB.noType;
       ProcedureType(type, parblksize);  (*formal parameter list*)
       Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); locblksize := parblksize; 
-      Declarations(locblksize);
+      Declarations(locblksize); proc.type.dsc :=;
+      WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      ORG.FixLinkMixed(proc.type.len);  (*fix forward references generated in ORG*)
       proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=;
-      IF sym = ORS.procedure THEN
-        L := 0; ORG.FJump(L);
-        REPEAT ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") UNTIL sym # ORS.procedure;
-        ORG.FixOne(L); proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=
-      END ;
       ORG.Enter(parblksize, locblksize, int);
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
       IF sym = ORS.return THEN

Appendix 2: Changes made to Project Oberon 2013 for use case B


Same as in use case A


Same as in use case A


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORP.Mod  2021-05-24 10:06:15.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORP2.Mod  2021-10-23 18:15:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     END ;
   VAR sym: INTEGER;   (*last symbol read*)
-    dc: LONGINT;    (*data counter*)
+    dc, fc: LONGINT;    (*data counter, forward counter*)
     level, exno, version: INTEGER;
     newSF: BOOLEAN;  (*option flag*)
     expression: PROCEDURE (VAR x: ORG.Item);  (*to avoid forward reference*)
@@ -849,46 +849,59 @@
     VAR proc: ORB.Object;
       type: ORB.Type;
       procid: ORS.Ident;
-      x: ORG.Item;
-      locblksize, parblksize, L: LONGINT;
-      int: BOOLEAN;
-  BEGIN (* ProcedureDecl *) int := FALSE; ORS.Get(sym); 
-    IF sym = ORS.times THEN ORS.Get(sym); int := TRUE END ;
-    IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
-      ORS.CopyId(procid); ORS.Get(sym);
-      ORB.NewObj(proc,, ORB.Const);
-      IF int THEN parblksize := 12 ELSE parblksize := 4 END ;
-      NEW(type); type.form := ORB.Proc; type.size := ORG.WordSize;
-      proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.lev := level; 
-      CheckExport(proc.expo);
-      IF proc.expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno) END ;
-      ORB.OpenScope; INC(level); type.base := ORB.noType;
-      ProcedureType(type, parblksize);  (*formal parameter list*)
-      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); locblksize := parblksize; 
-      Declarations(locblksize);
-      proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=;
-      IF sym = ORS.procedure THEN
-        L := 0; ORG.FJump(L);
-        REPEAT ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") UNTIL sym # ORS.procedure;
-        ORG.FixOne(L); proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=
-      END ;
+      parblksize: LONGINT;
+      int, body, expo: BOOLEAN;
+    PROCEDURE Body(proc: ORB.Object; parblksize: LONGINT; int: BOOLEAN);
+      VAR x: ORG.Item; locblksize: LONGINT;
+    BEGIN
+      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); locblksize := parblksize;
+      Declarations(locblksize); proc.type.dsc :=;
+      WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      ORG.FixLinkMixed(proc.type.len);  (*fix forward references generated in ORG*)
+      proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=; DEC(fc);
       ORG.Enter(parblksize, locblksize, int);
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
       IF sym = ORS.return THEN
         ORS.Get(sym); expression(x);
-        IF type.base = ORB.noType THEN ORS.Mark("this is not a function")
-        ELSIF ~CompTypes(type.base, x.type, FALSE) THEN ORS.Mark("wrong result type")
+        IF proc.type.base = ORB.noType THEN ORS.Mark("this is not a function")
+        ELSIF ~CompTypes(proc.type.base, x.type, FALSE) THEN ORS.Mark("wrong result type")
-      ELSIF type.base.form # ORB.NoTyp THEN
-        ORS.Mark("function without result"); type.base := ORB.noType
+      ELSIF proc.type.base.form # ORB.NoTyp THEN
+        ORS.Mark("function without result"); proc.type.base := ORB.noType
       END ;
-      ORG.Return(type.base.form, x, locblksize, int);
-      ORB.CloseScope; DEC(level); Check(ORS.end, "no END");
+      ORG.Return(proc.type.base.form, x, locblksize, int); Check(ORS.end, "no END");
       IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
-        IF # procid THEN ORS.Mark("no match") END ;
+        IF # THEN ORS.Mark("no match") END ;
       ELSE ORS.Mark("no proc id")
+    END Body;
+  BEGIN (* ProcedureDecl *) int := FALSE; body := TRUE; ORS.Get(sym);
+    IF sym = ORS.times THEN (*interrupt*) ORS.Get(sym); int := TRUE
+    ELSIF sym = ORS.arrow THEN (*forward*) ORS.Get(sym); body := FALSE
+    END ;
+    IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
+      ORS.CopyId(procid); ORS.Get(sym); CheckExport(expo);
+      IF int THEN parblksize := 12 ELSE parblksize := 4 END ;
+      NEW(type); type.form := ORB.Proc; type.size := ORG.WordSize;
+      proc := ORB.FindObj(procid,;
+      IF proc = NIL THEN  (*identifier not found in the symbol table*)
+        ORB.NewObj(proc, procid, ORB.Const); INC(fc);
+        proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.lev := level; proc.expo := expo;
+        IF expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno) END
+      END ;
+      ORB.OpenScope; INC(level); type.base := ORB.noType;
+      ProcedureType(type, parblksize);  (*formal parameter list*)
+      type.dsc :=;
+      IF proc.type # type THEN  (*identifier found in the symbol table*)
+        IF (proc.class # ORB.Const) OR (proc.type.form # ORB.Proc) OR (proc.val >= 0) OR ~body THEN ORS.Mark("mult def")
+        ELSIF (proc.expo # expo) OR ~EqualSignatures(proc.type, type) THEN ORS.Mark("must match forward declaration")
+        END
+      END ;
+      IF body THEN Body(proc, parblksize, int) END ;
+      ORB.CloseScope; DEC(level)
     ELSE ORS.Mark("proc id expected")
   END ProcedureDecl;
@@ -922,7 +935,7 @@
         Texts.WriteString(W, modid); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
       ELSE ORS.Mark("identifier expected")
       END ;
-      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); level := 0; exno := 1; key := 0;
+      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); level := 0; fc := 0; exno := 1; key := 0;
       IF sym = ORS.import THEN
         ORS.Get(sym); Import;
         WHILE sym = ORS.comma DO ORS.Get(sym); Import END ;
@@ -930,6 +943,7 @@
       END ;
       ORG.Open(version); Declarations(dc); ORG.SetDataSize((dc + 3) DIV 4 * 4);
       WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      IF fc > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("undefined forward declarations") END ;
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
       Check(ORS.end, "no END");

Appendix 3: Changes made to Extended Oberon for use case A


>   PROCEDURE FindObj*(id: ORS.Ident; list: Object): Object;  (*search id in list*)
>     VAR x: Object;
>   BEGIN x := list;
>     WHILE (x # NIL) & ( # id) DO x := END ;
>     RETURN x
>   END FindObj;


--- Oberon-extended/Sources/ORG.Mod  2021-10-23 17:26:18.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/ExtendedOberon/ORG1.Mod  2021-10-23 18:08:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -160,10 +160,6 @@
     code[at] := code[at] DIV C24 * C24 + with MOD C24
   END fix3;
-  BEGIN fix3(at, pc-at-1)
-  END FixOne;
   PROCEDURE FixLinkWith(L, dst: LONGINT);
   BEGIN (*fix chain of branch instructions*)
@@ -174,6 +170,16 @@
   BEGIN FixLinkWith(L, pc)
   END FixLink;
+    VAR L1, format: LONGINT; p: INTEGER;
+  BEGIN (*fix chain of instructions of different formats*)
+    WHILE L # 0 DO p := code[L];
+      format := p DIV C30 MOD 4; L1 := p MOD C16;
+      IF format < 3 THEN fix1(L, (pc-L)*4) ELSE fix3(L, pc-L-1) END ;
+      L := L1
+    END
+  END FixLinkMixed;
   PROCEDURE FixLinkPair(L, adr: LONGINT);
     VAR L1: LONGINT; p, q: INTEGER;
   BEGIN (*fix chain of instruction pairs with an address that is spread across both instructions, 0 <= adr < C24*)
@@ -204,7 +210,8 @@
       IF x.type.size = 1 THEN op := Ldr+1 ELSE op := Ldr END ;
       IF x.mode = ORB.Const THEN
         IF x.type.form = ORB.Proc THEN
-          IF x.r > 0 THEN (*local*) ORS.Mark("not allowed")
+          IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, 0); Put1(Add, RH, LNK, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1  (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)
+          ELSIF x.r > 0 THEN (*local*) ORS.Mark("not allowed")
           ELSIF x.r = 0 THEN (*global*) Put3(BL, 7, 0); Put1a(Sub, RH, LNK, pc*4 - x.a)
           ELSE (*imported*) PutPair(x.r, Add, RH, RH, x.a + C8, 1) (*mark as progbase-relative*)
@@ -849,7 +856,8 @@
         Put2(Ldr, RH, RH, -4-x.a*4); Put3(BLR, 7, RH)
     ELSIF x.mode = ORB.Const THEN  (*regular procedure*)
-      IF x.r >= 0 THEN Put3(BL, 7, (x.a DIV 4)-pc-1)
+      IF x.a < 0 THEN (*forward*) Put3(BL, 7, x.type.len); x.type.len := pc-1  (*fixed up in ORP.Body*)
+      ELSIF x.r >= 0 THEN Put3(BL, 7, (x.a DIV 4)-pc-1)
       ELSE (*imported*) Put3a(BL, -x.r, x.a, pc-fixorgP); fixorgP := pc-1
     ELSE  (*installed procedure*)


--- Oberon-extended/Sources/ORP.Mod  2021-10-23 09:56:42.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/ExtendedOberon/ORP1.Mod  2021-10-23 17:59:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -989,15 +989,12 @@
       int, expo: BOOLEAN;
     PROCEDURE Body(proc: ORB.Object; parblksize: LONGINT; int: BOOLEAN);
-      VAR x: ORG.Item; locblksize, L: LONGINT;
+      VAR x: ORG.Item; locblksize: LONGINT;
     BEGIN Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); locblksize := parblksize;
-      Declarations(locblksize);
+      Declarations(locblksize); proc.type.dsc :=;
+      WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      ORG.FixLinkMixed(proc.type.len);  (*fix forward references generated in ORG*)
       proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=;
-      IF sym = ORS.procedure THEN
-        L := 0; ORG.FJump(L);
-        REPEAT ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") UNTIL sym # ORS.procedure;
-        ORG.FixOne(L); proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=
-      END ;
       ORG.Enter(parblksize, locblksize, int);
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
       IF sym = ORS.return THEN

Appendix 4: Changes made to Extended Oberon for use case B


Same as in use case A


Same as in use case A


--- Oberon-extended/Sources/ORP.Mod  2021-10-23 09:56:42.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-forward-references-of-procedures/Sources/ExtendedOberon/ORP2.Mod  2021-10-23 17:59:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     END ;
   VAR sym: INTEGER;   (*last symbol read*)
-    dc: LONGINT;    (*data counter*)
+    dc, fc: LONGINT;    (*data counter, forward counter*)
     level, exno, version: INTEGER;
     newSF: BOOLEAN;  (*option flag*)
     expression: PROCEDURE (VAR x: ORG.Item);  (*to avoid forward reference*)
@@ -985,19 +985,16 @@
     VAR proc, redef, obj: ORB.Object;
       type, typ, rec: ORB.Type;
       procid, recid: ORS.Ident;
-      parblksize: LONGINT; class: INTEGER;
-      int, expo: BOOLEAN;
+      parblksize: LONGINT; form, class: INTEGER;
+      int, body, expo: BOOLEAN;
     PROCEDURE Body(proc: ORB.Object; parblksize: LONGINT; int: BOOLEAN);
-      VAR x: ORG.Item; locblksize, L: LONGINT;
+      VAR x: ORG.Item; locblksize: LONGINT;
     BEGIN Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); locblksize := parblksize;
-      Declarations(locblksize);
-      proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=;
-      IF sym = ORS.procedure THEN
-        L := 0; ORG.FJump(L);
-        REPEAT ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") UNTIL sym # ORS.procedure;
-        ORG.FixOne(L); proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=
-      END ;
+      Declarations(locblksize); proc.type.dsc :=;
+      WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      ORG.FixLinkMixed(proc.type.len);  (*fix forward references generated in ORG*)
+      proc.val := ORG.Here() * 4; proc.type.dsc :=; DEC(fc);
       ORG.Enter(parblksize, locblksize, int);
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
       IF sym = ORS.return THEN
@@ -1016,30 +1013,43 @@
     END Body;
-  BEGIN (* ProcedureDecl *) int := FALSE; rec := NIL; ORS.Get(sym);
-    IF sym = ORS.times THEN ORS.Get(sym); int := TRUE END ;
+  BEGIN (* ProcedureDecl *) int := FALSE; body := TRUE; rec := NIL; ORS.Get(sym);
+    IF sym = ORS.times THEN (*interrupt*) ORS.Get(sym); int := TRUE
+    ELSIF sym = ORS.arrow THEN (*forward*) ORS.Get(sym); body := FALSE
+    END ;
     IF sym = ORS.lparen THEN
-      ORS.Get(sym); Receiver(class, recid, typ, rec);
+      ORS.Get(sym); Receiver(class, recid, typ, rec); form := ORB.TProc;
       IF level # 0 THEN ORS.Mark("local type-bound procedures not implemented") END
+    ELSE form := ORB.Proc
     END ;
     IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
       ORS.CopyId(procid); ORS.Get(sym); CheckExport(expo);
       IF int THEN parblksize := 12 ELSE parblksize := 4 END ;
       NEW(type); type.size := ORG.WordSize;
       IF rec = NIL THEN  (*regular procedure*)
-        ORB.NewObj(proc, procid, ORB.Const);
-        type.form := ORB.Proc; proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.lev := level; proc.expo := expo;
-        IF expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno) END ;
+        proc := ORB.FindObj(procid,;
+        IF proc = NIL THEN  (*identifier not found in the symbol table*)
+          ORB.NewObj(proc, procid, ORB.Const); INC(fc);
+          type.form := ORB.Proc; proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.lev := level; proc.expo := expo;
+          IF expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno) END
+        END ;
         ORB.OpenScope; INC(level); type.base := ORB.noType;
         ProcedureType(type, parblksize); type.dsc :=  (*formal parameter list*)
       ELSE  (*type-bound procedure*)
-        ORB.NewMethod(rec, proc, redef, procid);
-        IF rec.typobj.val > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("invalid method order") ELSE DisallowMethods(rec.base) END ;
-        type.form := ORB.TProc; proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.expo := expo;
-        IF expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno);
-          IF ~typ.typobj.expo THEN ORS.Mark("receiver must be exported") END ;
-          procid := "@"; ORB.NewObj(obj, procid, ORB.Const);[0] := 0X; (*dummy to preserve linear order of exno*)
-          obj.type := proc.type; obj.dsc := proc; obj.exno := proc.exno; obj.expo := FALSE
+        IF rec.base # NIL THEN redef := ORB.FindObj(procid, rec.base.dsc);  (*search in base types of receiver*)
+          IF (redef # NIL) & ((redef.class # ORB.Const) OR (redef.type.form # ORB.TProc)) THEN ORS.Mark("mult def") END
+        ELSE redef := NIL
+        END ;
+        proc := ORB.FindFld(procid, rec);  (*search in fields of receiver proper, but not of its base types*)
+        IF proc = NIL THEN
+          ORB.NewMethod(rec, proc, redef, procid); INC(fc);
+          IF rec.typobj.val > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("invalid method order") ELSE DisallowMethods(rec.base) END ;
+          type.form := ORB.TProc; proc.type := type; proc.val := -1; proc.expo := expo;
+          IF expo THEN proc.exno := exno; INC(exno);
+            IF ~typ.typobj.expo THEN ORS.Mark("receiver must be exported") END ;
+            procid := "@"; ORB.NewObj(obj, procid, ORB.Const);[0] := 0X; (*dummy to preserve linear order of exno*)
+            obj.type := proc.type; obj.dsc := proc; obj.exno := proc.exno; obj.expo := FALSE
+          END
         END ;
         ORB.OpenScope; INC(level); type.base := ORB.noType;
         ORB.NewObj(obj, recid, class);  (*insert receiver as first parameter*)
@@ -1052,7 +1062,13 @@
       END ;
-      Body(proc, parblksize, int); ORB.CloseScope; DEC(level)
+      IF proc.type # type THEN  (*identifier found in the symbol table*)
+        IF (proc.class # ORB.Const) OR (proc.type.form # form) OR (proc.val >= 0) OR ~body THEN ORS.Mark("mult def")
+        ELSIF (proc.expo # expo) OR ~EqualSignatures(proc.type, type) THEN ORS.Mark("must match forward declaration")
+        END
+      END ;
+      IF body THEN Body(proc, parblksize, int) END ;
+      ORB.CloseScope; DEC(level)
     ELSE ORS.Mark("proc id expected")
   END ProcedureDecl;
@@ -1088,10 +1104,11 @@
         Texts.WriteString(W, modid); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
       ELSE ORS.Mark("identifier expected")
       END ;
-      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); level := 0; exno := 1; key := 0;
+      Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;"); level := 0; fc := 0; exno := 1; key := 0;
       IF sym = ORS.import THEN ImportList; Check(ORS.semicolon, "; missing") END ;
       ORG.Open(version); Declarations(dc); ORG.SetDataSize((dc + 3) DIV 4 * 4);
       WHILE sym = ORS.procedure DO ProcedureDecl; Check(ORS.semicolon, "no ;") END ;
+      IF fc > 0 THEN ORS.Mark("undefined forward declarations") END ;
       IF sym = ORS.begin THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;


Modified Oberon-07 compiler for the Project Oberon 2013 and Extended Oberon operating systems that generates and fixes up forward references of procedures






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