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w(r)ap(sync) 2

wrapsync2 is a wrapper script for rsync and a Python rewrite of wrapsync. Its main purpose is to simplify rsync'ing common directories.

Setup and usage

Manual setup

  1. Rename config.example.json to config.json.

  2. Prepare the variables inside the config file.


    • username – SSH login.
    • domain – full URL at which the SSH port is exposed.
    • remote-path – an absolute path to the remote directory containing everything we may want to sync.
    • local-path – an absolute path to the local directory containing everything we may want to sync.


    • flagsrsync flags; if no flags are given, this option will be omitted.
    • exclude – an array of patterns of file names/directory names; what matches these patterns will be excluded from syncing; defaults to no exclusions.

    Example config:

    • The SSH username is georgesmith.
    • The SSH URL is
    • The absolute path to the parent directory of all the directories/projects we may want to rsync on the remote machine is /home/george/services.
    • The local equivalent is /Users/george/services.
    • The rsync flags we need are -a and -P.
    • And George wants to exclude node_modules directory and all *.jar files from syncing.
    "username": "georgesmith",
    "domain": "",
    "remote-path": "/home/george/services",
    "local-path": "/Users/george/services",
    "flags": "aP",
    "exclude": ["node_modules", "*.jar"]
  3. Run the script.

    cd wrapsync2
    ./wrapsync2 <push/pull/help> <dir_name> [rsync_options]
    # Examples:
    ./wrapsync2 push my-first-python-project --update
    ./wrapsync2 pull my-second-python-project --delete
  4. (Optional) For convenience, create a symlink to the script.

    cd wrapsync2
    ln -s "$(pwd)/" /usr/local/bin/ws

    Now the script can be used from anywhere:

    ws <pull/push/help> <dir_name> [options]
    # Examples:
    ws push linux --update
    ws pull windows --delete

Unit tests

  1. Install Pytest.

    pip3 install -U pytest
  2. Run the tests.

    python3 -m pytest
    # Or simply:


  1. Install Flake8.

    pip3 install flake8
  2. Run the linter manually.

  3. Or, integrate the linter with the editor.

    VS Code-specific instructions: