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Instantly spin up fresh, automated dev environments in the cloud and start developing within seconds.

Hi there 👋

Welcome to the behind-the-scenes home of Amphitheatre!

Amphitheatre is an open source developer platform that facilitates continuous development of applications and microservices. You can iterate your application source code locally, then deploy to a local or remote Kubernetes cluster, just like docker build && kubectl apply or docker-compose up. Amphitheatre handles the workflow of building, pushing, and deploying applications. It also provides building blocks and describes customization of CI/CD pipelines. It is written in Rust, with the Axum framework.

Our project is powered by several different repositories, which you're free to browse and explore. Each component has a repository of its own (e.g. amphitheatre-app/amphitheatre ) and one or more example repositories (e.g. amp-example-go, amp-example-rust, amp-example-java, amp-example-python). The website source-code lives at amphitheatre-app/website.

  • If you want to open an issue, please go to the specific project and submit it, or if you're not sure you can submit it to the main project amphitheatre-app/amphitheatre repository. We can then triage it to the right place as appropriate.
  • If you're looking to contribute, our contributing page is a good starting point. Be aware that different repositories have different contributing guidelines - y ou can always feel free to open an issue to ask how to help if you're unsure 🙂

Finally, please note that different parts of Amphitheatre are licenced under different licences, so please be mindful of the specific licence for any code you use!

Have fun! 🎉


  1. amphitheatre amphitheatre Public

    Amphitheatre Server

    Rust 45 5

  2. desktop desktop Public

    Open source GUI application that enables you to interact with Amphitheatre

    Rust 6 2

  3. cli cli Public

    Amphitheatre's official command line tool

    Rust 3

  4. docs docs Public

    Documentation for Amphitheatre

    JavaScript 2 1

  5. amp-client-rust amp-client-rust Public

    The Amphitheatre API client for Rust.

    Rust 1

  6. common common Public

    Rust libraries shared across Amphitheatre components and libraries.

    Rust 1 2


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