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vN is a a dead-simple git branching and artifact versioning model for continuously deployed services and data pipelines.

vN is similar to gitflow and oneflow. While those models are quite complex, most of the complexity comes from having to maintain multiple different versions of a repo in production, as is common when one distributes software. In continuously deployed services, however, the requirements are different, and vN uses these to significantly simplify the git workflow.

In a Nutshell

In vN, unlike SemVer-inspired models, versions are linearly ordered: v1, v2, ... Its git branching workflow for development, deployment, and hotfixes imposes no extra overhead. Most importantly, RC IDs provide a stable way to version artifacts in a way that decouples CI/CD pipeline lifecycle from creation of git tags.

The diagram below describes the rules of vN. This repository itself has followed these rules.


The Big Assumption

The linear versioning scheme of vN only makes sense if there is only one version in production most of the time. To be more specific, the criteria is whether there is, at all times, a single "latest" tag that needs to be actively maintained. If you have this nice, strong constraint then vN is for you!


Versions, aka git tags, have the form vN, ie v1, v2, ...

This is a crucial assumption in vN. Without it (eg if you use SemVer) the RC id trick collapses.

The act of releasing consists of:

  • execute deploy pipeline
  • (optional) verify successful deploy
  • create git tag at deployed commit

In vN every commit is a release candidate. There are no restrictions based on branch names or tags. The recommended workflow is to always deploy from main except for the hotfix workflow.


There is one eternal branch, the active branch (main/master).

And unlike gitflow or oneflow, there is only one other kind of branch: those that branch off of main and merge back into it. Features and bug fixes, include hotfixes to production, all follow the usual standard workflow:

  1. branch off of main branch,
  2. commit and push, review, and repeat,
  3. merge back into main branch.

The recommended workflow is to deploy from commits in the main branch, preferably but not necessarily the branch tip, with the exception of hotfixes.

vN generally doesn't care whether you use fast-forward merges or not.

Hotfix Workflow

All git branching models have a special workflow for the (hopefully unlikely) event that two unfortunate events have happened:

  1. you need to urgently deploy a patch to production
  2. the main branch is not deployable.

In vN the hotfix workflow is identical to the usual workflow except for this. You initiate the release from a commit that is not yet in the main branch, on a temporary bug fix branch that will eventually be merged back into main after it's released. This is different from the normal workflow where deploys are initiated from the main branch.

If you've worked with other more complex hotfix workflows, you'll hopefully find this simplicity a breath of fresh air.

Stable Artifact Versioning with RC IDs

This is where vN's simplicity allows you to solve a whole host of problems that gitflow and other similar SemVer-inspired models struggle with.

What's the Problem?

A typical medium/large CI/CD pipeline is multi-stage, with various data artifacts produced in upstream steps and consumed in downstream steps.

These artifacts could be docker images, disk snapshots, S3 buckets, or even deployed instances of a service, all of which needs to be labeled by the CI/CD pipeline so that we can tell which artifact belongs to which version in the future.

Now, let's say we're about to deploy the next version, say v9. Here's how things could go wrong if we naively retrofit SemVer tools like gitflow:

  • You'd want your artifacts to refer to the new version v9. Maybe something like v9-abcdef12 where the second token is the git commit SHA.
  • For this to work, your CI/CD pipeline should begin after you have created the git tag.
  • What happens if something breaks throughout the many stages of CI/CD? You can either delete the tag or consider that tag garbage, both undesirable.
  • And if you decide to tag your git commit after a successful deployment, you'd have to repeat the entire CI/CD pipeline twice: once for staging with a special non-final tag (eg v9-rc1-abcdef12), and another time with the final version (eg v9-abcdef12). This makes the already non-trivial branch/merge dance for releases even more unpleasant.


Here's how vN solves these problems:

  • Every commit is a release candidate (RC).
  • Every commit gets an RC ID that's "stable" in the sense that you know the one and only RC id of your commit as soon as the commit exists, regardless of when, whether, and how it's eventually tagged in git.
git version † RC ID Notes
v4-9-g34cff88a v5-rc-34cff88a RC IDs look ahead.
They refer to the next release
that each commit could become.
v5-0-g34cff88a v5-rc-34cff88a When we eventually
tag a deployed commit, its RC ID
is unchanged.
v5-4-gf88a34cf v6-rc-f88a34cf And on we go to the
next release

† as per git describe

The power of RC ids is that they allow you to decouple the lifecycle of git tags from the CI/CD pipeline, while preserving meaningful and unique artifact labels.

CLI Tools

RC-ID Generation

The vN-rc-id command produces RC ids as described in the previous section:

$ vN-rc-id

As promised in the previous section, RC ids remain unchanged throughout the lifecycle of your deploy pipeline, regardless of when and how you tag the deployed commit with the next version tag.

Automatic Changelogs

If you do not use fast-forward merges as part of your review/merge workflow, the vN-changelog command helps your produce a changelog from your merge commits:

$ vN-changelog v2..v4
- [643ab5e7] 2021-11-22: Merge branch 'feature/4' into main
- [2eeb54d2] 2021-11-21: Merge branch 'feature/5' into main
- [f18ccf33] 2021-11-19: Merge branch 'feature/2' into main
- [7bd0fbec] 2021-11-18: Merge branch 'feature/3' into main

This is the only place where vN cares about your merge strategy. It interprets merge commits as high-level events in the repository (eg a PR is merged) that together form the changelog. If you like fast-forward merges, all you lose is the changelog tool, the rest of vN will work for you.

Some tools (eg GitLab) allow you to configure your merge commit message. You could use this to populate your merge commits with information you can then parse using vN's tooling to produce better automatic changelogs.


Semantic Versioning

Before arriving at the design of vN, I experimented with the following model that allows semantic versioning. For simplicity it only includes major and minor versions (no patch versions) but the structure would be the same to support the full SemVer scheme.

It still assumes that you only care about maintaining a single version in production at a given moment. But the nonlinear versioning scheme allows communicating breaking/non-breaking changes to users. For example, presumably, there are no breaking changes v2.0 and v2.1 but there might be some between v2.1 and v3.0.

This arrangement is more complex than vN, and will cost you the ability to have stable RC ids. But it's still simpler than gitflow and oneflow for continuously deployed services.


We like a process that encourages good behavior by making good behavior really easy. Specifically, you probably want to:

  • commit early and push often,
  • code review of all new development (features or bug fixes),
  • nothing rolled out to production without tests and QA in a staging environment,
  • short release cycles, possibly to the point of continuous deployments,
  • easy application of urgent bug fixes to production.

This translates to these goals for a git branching/versioning:

  • temporary branches for day-to-day feature development and bug fixes.
  • multi-stage CI/CD pipelines that forces staging before production deployments, instead of leaving it as an optional, manual process.
  • a release workflow that's so easy and fast that you can afford many of them a week.
  • a hotfix workflow that's no more complex than the default workflow.

Comparison with Other Models

There are three scenarios that all git branching models (this one included) want to deal with:

  • normal course of development,
  • releases,
  • maintenance between releases (hotfixes).

Normal course of development

There is no debate here among different branching models over this:

  • All development happens on temporary branches dedicated to the task,
  • There is a designated long-living active branch (be it develop or master) where all said temporary branches branch from and merge into.


All models also agree on roughly what a release looks like:

  1. you pick a deployable commit, that's your release candidate.
  2. you somehow trigger a CI/CD pipeline for that commit
  3. at some point, you update your git repo (tags, branches), to indicate a successfully deployed commit in git history.

Seems reasonable. But here are a few questions a git branching and versioning model has to answer:

  • How is the fact that a commit is a release candidate represented in git?
  • What happens to a commit after it's successfully deployed?
  • What if deploy fails?
  • Does the act of deploying impose a freeze window on the git repo?
  • If there are bugs that are fixed throughout deployment and QA, how are they brought back into the main branch so that subsequent releases also include them?
  • What happens if you need to ship a patch to production? How does that interact with the state of the main branch? What if this happens in the middle of the next release deploy?

Long-living branches and hotfixes

A big source of complexity in any git branching model is the number and the relationships between different branches. The sweet spot for almost every one I know is to use branches often and to merge them into a target branch regularly. The cognitive burden kicks in when you have multiple long-living branches that do not eventually, or frequently, merge into a target branch and dissolve.

For example, in gitflow:

  • there are two long-living branches (master and develop)
  • release, feature, and bugfix branches are temporary.
  • normal feature branches start from and merge back into the active branch develop.
  • release branches start from the active branch, get polished and tested, and merge into master, the "prod" branch.
  • it is in the prod branch master that final released versions get tagged, e.g. v1.0.
  • bugfix branches start from the prod branch master, and merge back into prod and separately into the active branch develop.

Oneflow recognizes the cognitive burden of having to deal with two long-living branches and the added history complexity of all these inter-branch logic. Instead, in oneflow:

  • there is only one long-living branch, the active branch master.
  • feature branches start from and merge back into the active branch master.
  • release branches start from and merge back into the active branch master.
  • it is on the release branch that final released versions get tagged, e.g. v1.0.
  • once a release is rolled out, the release branch is defunct.
  • all hotfixes are dealt with on ad-hoc temporary branches, which is where patch releases, e.g. v1.1, are tagged.
  • hotfix branches are merge directly back into the active branch master.

The approach of vN is that long living branches are too complex and make everything around them more complex. For this reason, both vN and the semver-capable modification described above only have one long living branch that captures all the important events in the history of the repo.


A dead-simple git branching and artifact versioning model for CI/CD and data pipelines.







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