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Andres R. Masegosa edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

List of Branches and their corresponding status:

Active Branches: Branches active which contains mains parts of the toolbox source code:

  1. master: contains the latest stable version of the toolbox.
  2. develop: contains the last features and bug fixes.
  3. spark-link: contains the developments for spark integration.
  4. lda-fractUpdating, this branch contains developments about LDAs models and fractional updating.
  5. cajamar-dynamicModels, functionalities about dynamic models applied to cajamar data.
  6. map-flink, MAP algorithms on top of Flink (PGM'16 paper).
  7. icdm2016, tracking concept drift (ICDM'16 paper).
  8. HierarchicalPriors, contains functionalities to include hierarchical Bayesian priors (parameters depending of another parameters).
  9. ARDPriors, contains functionalities to include ARD priors. Bishop & Tipping (

Auxiliary Branches Branches whose purpose is to keep track of some specific software releases, the maven repository or the content of the webpage.

  • mvm-repo, gh-pages, release-0.4.1, release-0.4.2, release-0.4.3, release-0.5.0

Discarded Branches: Branches which are not needed any more because they were merged with other branches. They can be eventually removed.

  • PlateauModels, trondheimJune2016, flinkfordaward, nips2016.
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